Someone taped a handful of the above flyers to various trees and light poles along St. Mark's Place between Second Avenue and First Avenue … we blocked out the photos of the woman accused of being a home wrecker …
In any event, someone has ripped down the flyers, which look homemade legit and not some kind of wacky marketing campaign…

WTF. It takes two to cheat. Accusing the woman of being a "homewrecking whore" is ridiculous. The author's husband / partner is just as much of a "homewrecking whore" as the accused woman, if this story is true to begin with.
Come on ladies, let's not give cheating men a pass.
I was curious so I Googled "homewrecking whore" and geez, there are a lot of pages of them. In Houston TX one angry wife threatened to dislocate her homewrecking whore's vagina. Ouch.
Is this the superintendent?... Yes, sir, I would like you to know that you have a whore living in 2R. Rossi, Janice Rossi
If you Google "St Marks place homewrecker" EVGrieve comes up twice. So now we know.
And today I saw that the blog merited a mention in the Falun Gong newspaper Epoch Times, where they noted the closing of 7A, "as first reported in EV Grieve".
Not smart. If this turns out to be a false or not altogether true statement, the so-called "home-wrecking whore" has a strong libel case and a good chance of prevailing at trial. Think before you act.
Phone number please ?
@anon 6:03: Is that you Karen Hill ?
➔ #3 Anonymous: I love you whoever you are!
Ah. I missed the reference:
Thank you!
Yes, because we should all go around suing eachother over things said in anger. Then we can all be more like lawyers. Cool!
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