It is confusing, seeing as the building shares the same address with the new USPS retail outlet that opened next door at 333 E. 14th St. … and both buildings have mailboxes in the lobby…

If this helps…

Right here.

Wonder if this happened when the USPS outlet was the Duane Reade or Gristedes…
This is my building, 30+ people a day get it wrong. The problem -- NO SIGN. The post office doesn't even say "Post Office" on it anywhere! Really nice USPS.
Probably doesn't help that they left Duane Reade's distinctive in/out signs on the doors.
But yeah, I would've made this mistake yesterday were it not for those helpful arrows. Not only does it not have a "post office" sign, the only 333 numbering is directly above that WRONG door.
If signage doesn't come soon, I don't think they'll ever be able to take those green arrows down.
So in yesterday's mail I got the dreaded salmon pink package notification slip, which is still telling me to pick up my box at the 14th and A location. Anyone know what the deal is? Are they still open for package pickup only or something?
Gojira, there are open for package pickup. Walk toward the windows, and you will see a door at the right with a buzzer next to it. The line forms there. I went in to get a package the other day with a friend, and it wasn't horrible. They had three people working the door, and they were trying to be helpful. If you have to buy stamps at one of the windows, it might not be so easy. I went in the other day. There were two people working the windows, I was the only person in line, and I still had to wait several minutes! I don't know what they were doing. I was there late morning, so it wasn't like they had just opened. No one seemed in a hurry to be helpful
Another community-minded money-making idea for EVG =
Arrow Signs.....
....physical manifestations of your arrows on the page.....use real wood.....paint'em up in cool colors.....SHINEY colors even......oooh, oooh.....NEON!
I'm sure the folks in this building would chip in.....and maybe even USPS? OK. THAT part won't work.....just gotta find some "Arrow Applicators."
Can we discuss offline? I don't want to give EVG any more ideas on how to rip me off. Thanks!
@Anon. 10:15 - thank you very much!
I live in this building as well...and, as the first poster on this thread did, note the fact that between 20-30 people come to the wrong door a day. The USPS is apparently still in the process of moving ahead on putting signage up for the Post Office.
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