Well, that sucks.
In a subsequent Facebook comment, the folks at Empire Biscuit say they will now have to do the cooking for volunteers of AIDS Walk New York from one of their apartments.
And later:
"As far as National Biscuit Day festivities, we'd planned to serve everything on the menu for $1 for 1 hour on Wednesday night. Party, right? (We'lll probably be having a cleaning party instead.) Maybe we'll go ahead with it one day next week, but for now we've got a lot of nonsense to deal with."
Empire Biscuit is at 198 Avenue A.

[Photo by Kristy Splendorio via Facebook]
A "guest" who was probably scoffing biscuits while totally inebriated at the wee hours of the night is my guess.
All part of the drunk fun right.
This is what happens when you stay open all night to cater to the neighborhood drunks. I wish they would re-think this strategy. Why not build their business serving the locals?
"National Biscuit Day". The fact that that day exists makes my eyes roll.
All together now - "whooooo caaaaares?!?
Why is "guest" in "quotation marks"? Even if this "guest" is an "asshole," they're still a "guest" of yours, Empire Biscuits. Anyway sorry for your ... "chemical flood" or whatever?
Things like National Biscuit Day are why 50% of Americans are overweight and 50% of that 50% are clinically obese. Between Empire and those Brooklyn Pigs across the street, we may have to name A b/t 12th and 13th Diabetes Ave.
Just about every day of the year is National something or other Day. Today is actually National Buttermilk Biscuit Day. www.tfdutch.com/food.htm
When did customers become (paying) "guests"? When I have guests over I don't hand them a bill when they are leaving. This is the brainchild of corporate America and no doubt the genius that came up with the idea got promoted to a corner office.
EB here. The fellow that pulled the fire suppression system is 37 years old and lives on 12th St. The incident occurred around 10PM. The police said he "appeared to be sober."
Disney was the first major corporation to employ the term "guests" for their customers. It was 20 or so years ago. Yes, of course it is meant to be a management psychological trick. (and yes, the folks at Disney ended up with corner offices and speaking tours on their management style).
It makes sense that guys who use friends in PR and fake yelp reviews to create false hype and "buzz" would use the term.
"appeared to be sober.", again in quotations.
As the Biscuits Turn
I had a dream last night that involved a biscuit. True story.
Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner. Drunk. Pull Fire Alarm. Closed.
What is a fire suppression system?
They have a handle that releases a chemical agent in the restaurant any time a "guest" feels inclined?
How did the "guest" gain access to the fire suppression system trigger?
Did the "guest" go in the kitchen or is it just out there in the open for any "guest" to pull?
This is so confusing.
What kind of jerk would do such a thing? I am not a fan of them catering to the drunk crowd with that stupid tagline of theirs, but it isn't cool to damage someone's property.
Sounds like a lot of health and safety issues. Speaking of which- cooking in one of their apartments? Aren't they suppose to be using a kitchen that has been inspected and is up tp code, etc? Do they have permission from the health dept for this?
I've never been inside but from the outside it looks pretty small, so I'm assuming the handle or whatever is within reach of the counter.
This non-story has already been "reported" on by NYMag. It could not be more "obvious" that the biscuiteers have a "friend" over at Grub Street. Also, LOL with me at the copy, won't you?
... some killjoy "customer" went and pulled the fire suppression system at Empire Biscuit in the East Village
Unnecessary quotes: "everyone" is doin' it!
All of this could have been avoided had they not used the word "Drunk" in their marketing. An amateur, immature mistake. It says to the local residents that they want to acerbate the area's biggest problem. It required no liquor license to dis’ the entire neighborhood. Just that one word. Very unfortunate.
I am a local resident since 1994. I like biscuits. I like booze.
And the word "Drunk" is the glaring red flag of a greater attitude problem here.
I feel much better knowing that any "guest" can walk in and set off a dirty bomb supplied by the biscuiteers.
So many haters! Their food's good and I've never run into a wooo there any time I've gone.
If you're still upset about them serving late go kill yourself. This is New York, suck it the fuck up.
1:28, 5:15, 7:35 YES and I was born here so lay off, xenophobes!
By the way, yes, this is New York. We don't eat biscuits here, we eat bagels. Suck that up!
Anony 7.35 PM. Where do we begin? First of all, the “haters” line. Hick alert! And this “If you're still upset about them serving late go kill yourself. This is New York, suck it the fuck up.”
What the fuck do you know about New York? Biscuits? Ray’s and Veselka ARE New York AND they serve late. Give me an order of Ray’s fries and dogs any day of the week over your bearded wonder’s overpriced biscuits. $6.25 for a bacon, cheese and egg sandwich? Does Ray advertise DRUNK on his awning or window? Does Veselka? I really don’t give shit about Biscuit Empire, that will succeed or fail on their own but this whole “_____” game is BS, just say an A-Hole damaged our store around 10 PM, he is being prosecuted (this is right, EB?) and we will be open once the damage is repaired. Done.
Wow, you let commenters with 'hick', 'asshole' and telling people to kill themselves but a shot at the biscuit boys' ladies, you won't let through? Maybe you've been suckered with their bs and biscuits. Maybe Emmpire biscuits is now sponsoring this blog, which makes sense with all the coverage it's been getting. Arbitrary and obnoxious, no different than the way this place is run.
"The other night I had a ricochet biscuit; that's the kind of a biscuit that's supposed to bounce off the wall into your mouth. If it don't bounce back…you go hongry."
Maybe their new brand name should be Empire "Biscuits," since like the word "Drunk" in their tagline, they really don't seem to mean for us to take their "biscuits" literally either.
How much longer will this circus be in town for? Isn't it time for them to pack up and move on to Delaware already?
Who the f' eats biscuits??? This is the North, correct?
Hey 10:20 pm, aren't we a melting pot? If anyone is missing Empire Biscuits (doesn't sound like it...) or wants to celebrate National Buttermilk Biscuit Day, "Joy of Cooking" has an excellent recipe. Its not hard.
Ugh, I grew up down south, and avoid all of these hipster 'southern' spots like the plague. The proper way to eat biscuits in the AM is smothered in red eye gravy and crumbled up sausage. Its heart attack food. Same goes for these awful chicken joints. Southern fried chicken isn't brined, ever, and is cooked in a cast iron skillet.
"What kind of jerk would do such a thing?"
You should walk down 2nd Avenue around 11 PM some time. It's pretty bad from Monday - Wednesday, Forget about weekends.
Apparently the poor bastard who pulled the thing was looking for a bathroom!
Biscuit Boys, pack it in already.
Staff (if you can find them)
outweigh customers,
you can't get it right as to how to make a biscuit, with any consistency.
The neighborhood hates you.
Chalk it up to experience and move on, and make the next project that much better.
Your bald spot is only going to get bigger. While you still have your hair, and dignity- if you had any in the first place, shadowed by your over-arching hubris.
The writing is on the wall.
Just go already.
I wish they would close permanently. because of them, I complained about the noise from their equipment- I'm going to be evicted and lose my home. I have been through hell since they opened. lived here 20 years. native new yorker. artist. endangered species. because my landlord rented to big talking loser bros. this city is a disgrace.
Empire Biscuit your exhaust fan is too loud. I wish you would close down already.
I wish Empire Biscuit would close for good. The noise and vibrations from their restaurant equipment has made me ill. I wish I could move. But being ill, I am trapped. Please go away already so I can have some PEACE.
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