CUBO New York, the cool, 1-year-old toy shop with 3D printing capabilities, had to close last month at 521 E. 12th St. between Avenue A and Avenue B.
Proprietors Victor De Los Angeles and Julie Kim explain in a Facebook page:
This is the photo of our temporary demise.
We want to take a moment to thank everyone that has supported our endeavor here at 12th Street. The people in this neighborhood have been so great and our neighbors the best. The artists in our industry have been so supportive and we are grateful for that and of course we want to thank our friends at 3DS.
The photo above is of a steam pipe that burst overnight and flooded our space with steam drenching all of our products and equipment in water rendering our entire operation useless. With that said, we have poured our hearts into CUBO and now we must close because of a single pipe. We're down but we're not out. We will update everyone on the revival of CUBO. Thank you all again for being amazing.
Okay, now I am living in fear of my radiators!
I walked by their shop and saw all the steam coming out of the front door, I thought it was a printer gone haywire, sorry to ready they lost everything.
No insurance?
So sorry to hear this. Hope you guys can get some of the loss back. I used to walk by the shop on my way to work every day. It's sad how a little thing can upset such a delicate balance. You guys always had such beautiful things in your window display.
I loved this little shop; they had a ton of cool stuff!
If they do a Kickstarter or and Indegogo to get started back up, I'll kick in—even though I hate these crowd funding things.
CUBO may want to get an assessor in their as the new slumlord JMS Village, Jacob Avid, has just installed a boiler- with so many violations in the work that Con Ed shut off gas to the entire building two months ago. He has been trying to oust the rent stabilized tenants via various "MANDATORY EMERGENCY" 'procedures' and sabotage of this store on the ground floor would be totally in keeping with this landlord's 20 yr history of harassment, illegal operations etc.
So sorry this happened.
Did landlord have keys to this shop before the accident? Would be interesting to know landlords access to store.
Still no gas in the 523 E 12th St building, and no repair to the CUBO space. Will it be used as a way to further harass tenants - this time for building-wide "plumbing repairs"?
Ironically, former owner was long time plumber named Uiberall, whose office was in same space, so he kept those pipes in top form. Jacob Avid alleged to have several buildings in E Village- all currently without gas too.
Where is the LAW on all this criminal's history? Or is he paying off the City???
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