We've heard several reader reports of gunshots this afternoon and this evening on East 12th Street between Avenue B and Avenue C outside Campos Plaza.
The first report came around 2 p.m., where witnesses said they heard 6 shots.
There were reports of three more shots around 6 p.m.
An EVG reader tells us, "I heard shots and saw kids giggling and running... The silver van in the middle of the street was hit by a bullet."
You mean outside Stuy Town South!
Ahhh! Culture.
What is Campos Plaza? I mean other than its being the ugliest building in NYC.
Is it a welfare hell building?
Hello Texas.
This is less than half a block from a school!
And to think this used to be such a nice safe neighborhood. How are they ever going to sell those million dollar condos now?
You know, there are at least a thousand bad things that the gun industry assholes are responsible for in this country. But this ain't one of them.
Nice brainless responsibility shift, though.
I heard from 12th and B. 5 shots. Scary.
NYPD's OMNIPRESENCE program is working just fine -- I suppose neighbors there can now expect 1-2 manned cop cars at that corner 24/7 for a few weeks, accompanied by the NYPD tower with the tinted tilted windows and flood lights aimed at bedroom windows.
THAT'll stop crime....at that corner....for a few weeks, anyway....
Rampant availability of guns is certainly the gun industry's fault, moron.
There's as many guns as people in the US -- NYC can have as strict gun laws as it wants to, but people can easily buy guns in neighboring states at gun shows without background checks.
To Giovanni, Your first thought was that this would effect condo sales? Dude - people could have been killed, maimed, crippled, etc. and you are enjoying schadenfreude? Where is your humanity?
@2:01 He was being sarcastic.
There has to be witnesses, one thing I can tell you there is always somebody hanging out by that building, as in 24/7.
I also heard gun shots last night on 7th and Ave D right after Obama SOTU... Heard people warn "They are shooting down there"
Now you want cops? Amazing. Good luck there. Why risk salary and pension? For.some anticop antigun liberal transplant gentrifiers? Whatever. Best to just clean up the mess after its done.
Wait, I thought we all were supposed to want the crack dealers in the neighborhood because it was better than the stupid bros?
@10:48 so if they ask you stop killing people without consequence you're no longer willing to do your job?
In case you haven't been paying attention, following the Constitution is for "civilians."
The first people to complain about quality of life and trespass arrests are the same ones that cry and cry that there's not enough police presence as soon as something like this happens. Don't want stop/question/frisk? More assholes are going to be carrying guns and shooting each other over the latest nonsensical beef.
Bullshit, 12:12. Nine out of ten New Yorkers detained under Stop and Frisk were completely innocent. It's been effectively over for a year (reported numbers are a fraction of 2012's, anyway), and crime has continued to fall. So it's proven to be no deterrent to crime and it terrorizes young men of color. What's to like? Why are you nostalgic for it? Just can't bear to have been wrong? Or do you want black people to continue living in an antebellum-style perpetual state of fear that some psycho cop will put a slug in their kid's head for getting uppity?
I bet the same people who are going nuts over a few gunshots are the same ones packing the theaters to watch American Sniper blow away hundreds of Iraqis in an illegal war on a country that never attacked us.
They want stop and frisk which is unconstitutional and targets minorities, but then they support the NRA which results in millions of guns ending up in criminals hands.
You. Can't Make. This. Shit. Up.
Shootings are definitely up. Way more kids carrying guns.
This part of the EV will always be at least a little sh!tty. Feels more like the worse parts of BK or the Bronx. Can't wait until my lease is up to jump this ship. There's nothing glamorous about junkies, dumpy buildings, and kids with guns.
Kids with guns? In the supposedly sanitized suburbanized whitewashed ev/ manhattan of
2015? Shocking. Who are these 'kids'? Don't answer that. Any.acknowledgment that certain groups commit almost all the crime.is racist. The cops are the racist killers. So why are some calling for more cops. You need fewer cops. And no profiling or stop and frisk.
And you go nuts over a few gunshots? If gunshots are a prob go back to Darien. Or wherever. You voted for a less aggressive nypd. So don't complain about gunshots or rapes or the crazy homeless guys. Peoples rights have to be respected. The cops have been too aggressive. NP.
Well hmmm .....is there any explanation of what this was about? I live on 12th and definitely have noticed more gunshots in the last year than the 5 previous....
Stop. Don't ask. Or stop and frisk. Much easier to carry guns. And use them. Can't seem racist or offend anyone. A few shootings is a small price to pay for better community relations.
Going to make selling those frat house condos at 189 Avenue C for millions more difficult
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