So here's what is in the works for the southwest corner 14th Street and Broadway via Crain's ...
Capital One has come up with an alternative to the staid retail bank branch. It will launch a concept in Union Square, at 853 Broadway, on the building's ground, basement and mezzanine levels. The entrance will feature a large café operated by Peet's Coffee. The space upstairs will differ from a typical retail bank branch. Capital One will create a large work lounge, where customers can camp out and use free Wi-Fi.
Capital One, which operates several similar cafes across the country, is also eyeing a location on Lafayette Street near the Puck Building for another branch.
It is really a shame that this handsome art deco building has been stripped of all its beautiful geometric details for the sake of corporate blandness. Dull H&M shopping structure now, out of place, and unwanted. At least the bank will provide a vantage point for rallies and other protests happening in the park.
@Anon. 8:55, that's because each architect and each corporation feels they have to put their stamp on the past, and "upgrade" it by stripping away beauty and replacing it with cheap crap. Look at what happened to the original cast iron building at 15 Union Square West that housed the first location of Tiffany's; built in 1869, in the 1950s it got divested of its ornamentation and became a bland brick box, and in the early 2000s it got taken down to its skeleton and covered in glass. If you check out the (what else?) condo now on the site, surrounded by graceful 19th century neighbors that make it, to quote the immortal Raymond Chandler, "stick out like spats at an Iowa picnic"), you can just make out large arches through the smoky glass; those are the 146-year-old frames of the first windows. I guess we should be grateful they left us that much.
@8:55, I so agree. My office is in 853, and I have watched them tear the lobby apart over the last year or so with incredible dismay. I couldn't believe the initial renderings--they're removing all the original detail, brasswork etc. for the sake of a bland white marble box? I know everything can't be landmarked, but I still can't believe they got away with this.
Just what NYC needs is another place people can sit around at and stare vacantly into a small screen. Why bother moving to a bustling city at all if you're just going to isolate and watch YouTube clips by your lonesome. Pathetic.
@10:40 because a lot of people work from their laptops and like to do so with coffee and outside of home or an office? Or does that mean you don't belong in a bustling city, oh great philosopher king? What about those who just want some downtime when they are not patrolling the bustling streets? By that logic, I suppose people who watch TV in their homes from time to time have no place in a bustling city. Please, impart more pearls of wisdom as well as your glorious personal judgement on who or what belongs in "your" city and doesn't.
Will it be done by Labor Day? That's a good time to go "camping".
@11:26 AM
I always thought that people which sit at cafe's for hours staring at their laptops and or phones were just anti-social folks trying to pretend to be out with others, something their shrinks recommended. I work at home and not once have I felt compelled to sit in a public place with all its distractions. I love people watching and interacting with strangers but not when I have work to do. I think Anon 10:40 is correct, this is still a vibrant town filled with some much to see and even something as banal as walking to your favorite deli could be filled with sights and sounds that can delight a person. One can stare at screen any time why do it in a bank?
Bo-ring. Can't believe I am pining for a retail store but dang, I miss the Virgin store. Now that was an entertaining place to browse music, books, video, games, etc. Or catch a cool in-store performance. But oh no, progress. Now we have bank-branded cafes to sit around in. Yay for us.
@11:26 Aw, I'm sorry. Did I just shit all over your little Millennial macaroon party? By all means, please continue pecking away at your laptop in vain at Chipolte, convincing yourself that you are just so cutting edge being your own boss and all. I'll swing by in a few and throw you a pizza party, give you a trophy, and tell you how awesome you are. Help is on the way!
PS Banks, like brands, are not your friends.
@12:31 I'm actually 35 years old, and don't like macaroons. I work in an office, have many bosses, and care more about making a paycheck than being cutting edge. I'm just not a dick to people who are. Sorry you disapprove of freelancers and people who work remotely, which are both valid career paths despite your weighty personal disapproval. What do you do for a living that puts you up on such a high horse to judge those who do? Also, thanks for the offer for the pizza party, but I can afford my own and don't have any interest in your company since you sound like a real douchebag.
PS yes, I know the bank is not my friend. It's a business that wishes to sell me goods and services. Thanks anyway for the insightful tip.
11:26 Translated: A lot of Millennials dick around on their laptops outside of their apartments because we have 43 roommates an, an office? Ha! We are an unhireable generation because we lack life experience and people skills. But without our parents constant coddling and encouragement, our fragile, infantile egos are in shambles so we need to give others the impression that we are really busy and so what if we like to do it with coffee.
And now I'm going to randomly make a reference to "your" city for no good reason. Hmmmph!
If only there were a drug store in there as well.
who is going to cover the expenses: rent, cleaning, staff, whatever? why not just give us interest on savings accounts and really free banking?
i can go to a coffee shop for coffee, or make my own at home. i have no interest in visiting my bank for coffee.
All of you, calm down children. NYC is now the land of bros, hipsters, trust fund kids, and wall streeters. The rest of us folk don't belong here....
The coffee/bank thing is not new, I think it was ING Bank that had it on 59th & Third, I was there about 5 years ago could be wrong on the exact details. Anyway the coffee was good, I think it was also Peet's and it was cheap, about a dollar as I recall. Better deal than Starbucks and the like and a place to sit down with a restroom.
@12:31 and @1:17 It's not macaroons, it's macarons.
But, did somebody say restrooms? Now you're talking! I wonder if you have to be an account holder to use the facilities there? I was going to get one of their "free" checking accounts, but the minimum balance threshold was too high for me.
I have not stepped foot inside a bank branch in 10 years. Why does anyone?
Restrooms! Now we're talking! Banks are the best place to drop deuce! More please!
@9:44am I stepped inside my bank to deposit some cash the other day. What do yo do with yours, mail it in?
Yes, there's a free restroom, but a homeless guy will be be opening the door for you and hoping for a tip.
Trixie I think they may be alluding to ATMs that take cash/check deposits in the lobby, not the bank itself.
Is that you Bret Easton Ellis haha (12:31pm)? BEE used to have (still has?) an apartment just below Union Square.
Whoah I just read 1:30pm and he sounds ALOT like Bret Easton Ellis.
For those who don't know why I'm mentioning him, he wrote an article for Vanity Fair in which he described Millenials as "Generation Wuss" (Google it and it'll pop up as the first article as comments annoyingly don't let me paste the link.)
Btw I hereby call this place a bafe and a cank.
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