Passing this info along…
Union Square North Plaza, south of 17th St between Park Avenue and Broadway.
The NYC Department of Sanitation is holding a series of SAFE Disposal Events (Solvents, Automotive, Flammable, Electronics) to provide NYC residents with a one-stop method to get rid of harmful household products.
Materials accepted include common household products such as auto fluids, batteries, electronics, strong cleaners, medications, paint, month-old acai bowlsand more.
Until 4 p.m. today. (And sorry for the short notice — just heard myself.)
So I can't bring my month old acai bowl and the botanical garden growing on it?! Gojira? Any interest?
@NOTORIOUS, wish I could help you out, doll, but I've already got a couple petrifying under my bed, and I was devastated to hear that I couldn't ditch 'em at Union Square. I'm thinking, when school re-opens, of trying to pass them off to a science teacher as perfect classroom experiments - see the wonder of nature firsthand, that kind of thing. You're welcome to join me!
Wellm NYU move-in day is next week! Hide yo wife. Hide yo sugnifixant other. Hide yo self.
Someone didn't advertise this very well, I felt bad for the ( at loeast) 2 dozen guys waiting at the Union Square site for someone, anyone, to go through the police gauntlet and be photographed before being allowed to drop of their SAFE shit. No wonder most people just drop stuff in a public garbage can. Who needs the police state shit just to get rid of some old paint.
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