[Photo last month by Steven]
On Nov. 21, Hot Kitchen, the Sichuan restaurant at 104 Second Ave. near East Sixth Street, closed after the building's landlord had work done on the main gas pipe, per a sign on the door.
Three weeks later, and Hot Kitchen remains closed. And the restaurant has new signs on the door communicating their frustration in a way that we can all understand — via emojis...

[New photos via Steven]
So, per the sign, the building's plumber completed the pressure test and filed a request for turn on with Con Ed on Dec. 3.
And they are still waiting...

Updated 12/12
Hot Kitchen is back open.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Gas work in building temporarily shuts down Hot Kitchen on 2nd Avenue
Sisyphus probably had an easier time with his task...
One might think in such a case that the landlord, having caused the problem, would be held legally responsible for the tenant's loss of income.
Why doesn't Hot Kitchen have any recourse against the landlord or ConEdison?
And WHAT ABOUT THE STAGE ????????????????
Do thet have to pay rent during this time too?
Hot Kitchen has been cooking some excellent Szechuan food.
My building had to await multiple months last year after work was completed. It took more than3 months after work was completed for the gas to go back on. A local politician eventually helped us get an appt so that we could move on with our lives. Con Ed is the worst...
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