And over at 100 Avenue A between East Sixth Street and East Seventh Street, Ben Shaoul's incoming condoplex is starting to finally look like a residential building.
Which may by why the property is now open for tours (let's see who responded to the building's naked lady marketing motif!) with broker Ryan Serhant...
Questions! If we go on a tour, then do we get to wear a branded 100 Avenue A hard hat like Ryan Serhant? And is there an economy tour?
The residences at the
Previously on EV Grieve:
The retail space at Ben Shaoul's 100 Avenue A is available for $24.5 million; plus, naked model marketing clarification!
Trying to figure out what is going on at 98-100 Avenue A
Someone threw black paint bombs at the naked women condo ad along 100 Avenue A
why do I hope this building is a failure more than any other? Oh ya, cause everyone involved in it is a dick.
they were approved for the extra floors? or just touring anyway?
Okay, our neighborhood is now being defiled by F-list reality show cast members. The end is not near, it already happened.
That's funny, I coulda *sworn* there was a some social movement called, ah, FEMINISM, where we all kinda came to the consensus that using women's naked bodies to sell random stuff was, um, kind of a *bad* thing?
Is it me, or does that guy look like a complete tool? I wouldn't buy a flyswatter from him...
This guy is not going away anytime soon. He got a nice role in "While Were Young" playing a douchebag. Which sucks, because it took away the role from other actors who aren't douchebags in real life.
Can't wait for the Blink gym to open.
man, you guys are so full of hate. it's happening , the area is changing . deal with it.
@2:21, if you ever had Ben Shaoul as your landlord and survived it, you'd hate him too.
okay ben, settle down.
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