[Photo by Nora Gala]
Several readers noted the giant ball (looking slightly damaged) outside Webster Hall on East 11th Street near Fourth Avenue this morning... Majority opinion: Mini Death Star re-creation!
Apparently it was a loadout from a party...
A Death Star ovary?
I can't resist... Is that Lady Gaga?!?!?!?!
Wounded mirror ball that should be being rushed to disco hospital.
"I will survive," said the ball.
Gold star for you,@7:18 pm, and a big bag of poppers!
5:07 pm and 7:18 pm Well done, I laughed so hard my tea came out my nose!
Full disclosure, sayeth 7:18... Gloria Gaynor had JUST been profiled on some TV show when that thought occurred to me. But anyway, glad it got some laughs here! (What a great song, eh?)
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