After nearly a three-year run at 235 E Fourth St. near Avenue B, B4 has closed... there is an eviction note via the Marshal posted on the front door...

B4 served "New American comfort food" ... It was a nice-looking restaurant, though it was never able to attract much of a crowd (it was often uncomfortably empty when we passed by in recent months) ... and B4 could seemingly never attract any of that brunch crew who flocks to Third and B every weekend.
B4 was the first restaurant from chef Shawn Jones, who runs a catering and events firm.
No. 235 has been a challenging spot in recent years for restaurants — Piccola Positano, Tonda and E.U. have all come and gone.
This place was solid, had a nice atmosphere, and at least somewhat reasonably priced, but always bizarrely empty. Not surprised they're closing up.
BASTIDS! Good Riddance!
One time last summer four of us walked by for brunch- The place was half empty and tried to get a table but the hostess told us all those tables were "reserved"...
-Mr. Baggs
I could never understand the "reserved tables" concept.
We, a party of six, are here at 2pm. You're passing up our business cuz the tables we want (and may need if there aren't enough tables anywhere else in the place) are reserved for 3pm? What if your precious party who is too good and highfalutin' to show up whenever doesn't show? Now you lost $150 or more from them as well as us, plus the $150 or more we'd have given you from hereonin. Remember every lost customer is that customer times the amount of times he/she patronizes your place and the money he/she would've spent until you close down. Some restaurants like this one don't look it at like that, and that's a big reason why they fail (close.) Always treat your customers so well they come back again and again and again and...
Is that location cursed?
Never understood the concept of reservations? Have you ever needed to make plans ahead of time? Like for a birthday celebration, client meeting or a simple date?
That place was always empty! DOOMEd spot
No, I haven't 4:51pm. A simple date doesn't require a reservation, unless you go to a place requiring a reservation, then it's not a simple date is it?
I go where I don't have to make a reservation and there are plenty of places like this to choose from, it's called NYC.
I think you missed my point which was why should my party of six have to go elsewhere if there's no table for us because some other party of six who may or may not show up at the reserved time or at all? We're here, we got here first, an hour before them, we made a physical effort to be there first, tell your reservation party they need to sit at other tables because a party of six came in an hour before. If they don't like it, too bad, you have to make money and only an idiot passes up on a party of six because someone MIGHT come in later. Reservations don't necessarily guarantee the EXACT table/s, they ensure a specific time and room for the party, that's it. When you make a reservation at The 21 Club you don't get to pick the exact table, you are assigned whatever is available.
I'm not talking about places which REQUIRE reservations, I'm talking about places like B4 which didn't but took them if they were asked for.
8:17 PM: Maybe I missed your point too. Once you accept the reservation, you have to honor it. Are you going to tell the 3 o'clock party, sorry, better luck next time? If you seat a party of at 2, it's unlikely that they are going to be finished by 3, so now you have a guaranteed awkward situation. Many restaurants will call the day before to confirm a reservation. You have to be an ass to confirm then not show. Of course some restaurants have a no reservation policy, but is that a good idea if you are not generally filling the place?
The brunch crew that "flock" need to rot away. Disgusting and selfish beasts that ruin my day!
My taste buds are heartbroken!! I loved this place. My husband and I used to make the trip in from Queens just for the brunch, and Shawn and his staff always treated us very well. It was also our go-to spot before or after performances at the Metropolitan Playhouse. Bummer.
i absolutely loved this place, it had great dishes and great service. it will be missed
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