East Village residents James and Karla Murray (frequent EVG contributors) will be discussing their latest book, "Store Front II," Wednesday evening at the MOSCOT Gallery & Music Space... Here are details via the EVG inbox...
The evening will feature "Store Front II" photography, with a focus on the Lower East Side, and a Q&A session, followed by a book signing and reception.
Light bites and dim sum generously provided by Nom Wah Tea Parlor.
"Store Front II" chronicles their continued efforts to document a little-known but vitally important cross-section of New York's "Mom and Pop" economy. From MOSCOT to Sammy's Roumanian Steak House, and Economy Candy to Parisi Bakery, the Murrays reveal how New York's long-standing mom and pop businesses stand in sharp contrast to the city's rapidly evolving corporate facade.
The MOSCOT Gallery & Music Space
108 Orchard Street
Wednesday, September 14
7-9 pm
Hi. Does the public have to RSVP before hand - or can we just show up?
I really like their books. NYCity never looked as good as it does in them.
No RSVP needed!
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