[Photo by Steven]
The toilet arrived yesterday morning on Second Avenue between Fifth Street and Sixth Street... delighting the children as only a discarded toilet can...

[Photo by Steven]
...and by today, there were additions...

[Photo by Derek Berg]

New York's hottest night club is Flush. Located in the tank of a discarded toilet on 2nd Avenue, this East Village bro bar gives new meaning to the question 'bro, are you inside me?' This place has everything. Free STDs, piss assist, and a UPS guy who asks "what can brown do for you?"
Stefon? Stefon, is that you? Where can I take my family for Halloween when they visit me from Iowa?!?
Gojira, do you want to get your ghastly ghoul on this Halloween? Then have I got the place for you! New York's scariest nightclub is Astor Place. Located in a former parking lot that was converted to a pile of rubble, this barren wasteland has everything! Communal sarcophagi, raging barrel fires, a basket of deplorables. Knock knock. Who's there? Is that the Crypt Keeper? No! It's Amanda Burden-Christ paving over historical Indian trails!
Oh that sounds perfect for me to scare the bejeezus out of Uncle Jeb and Cousin Raelene, to say nothing of me! It sounds creepy as Hell, although I think Hell sounds a tad more homey than the new shiny AP. Thanks for the tip, I'll save you some candy corn!
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