EVG reader MP spotted this on Ninth Street.
Via the WaxPaulNow website:
For too long, we as Americans have sat back and ignored the flagrant oversight that is the dearth of wax statues of Paul Giamatti at Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. What Times Square is to New York, Paul is to the institution of acting itself. No longer shall we remain silent. Join us; make your voice heard!
This is one issue all Americans can agree on! Justice for giamatti in wax!
Is this another one of those "Art Projects" so proudly and frequently engaged in by Cooper Union or NYU students? Just a friendly hint: This has been done in countless variations for years already.
This neighborhood's descent into becoming a sandbox for the over-privileged seems to be progressing at breakneck speed.
Yeah, I know I'm a cranky old fart. I must be affected by all those chairs, tables, umbrellas and kiosks beautifying Astor Place a.k.a. Midtown South these days.
My name is Uncle Waltie and I approve this message.
What passes for activism these days is a pathetic joke, instead of some cheeky bullshit campaign for an actor to be recognized by some cheezy tourist attraction, why not a poster campaign for real problems out today, problems that should have went out in the early 20th century that has returned with a vengeance, like wealth disparity, homelessness, corrupt elected officials doling out favors to cronies and their millionaire and billionaire donors, etc. etc.
Really, with Trump about to get impeached and crucified for his dependence on gangsters to build his empire and fortune leading to the presidency of a christian conservative ideologue, a corrupt mayor riding on the indifference of the voting public and the most oblivious governor ever to run this state, how could anyone find time or give a shit about to get an actor immortalized in wax.
And this is from a longtime Giamatti fan too, still pissed that one of the greatest cultural crimes of this century was when Paul was denied an Oscar nomination for his phenomenal turn as sad sack Miles in Sideways so that irritant hack jamie foxx would win for his impression of Ray Charles.
You gave every reason for making this a worthy undertaking, especially the Oscar snub!
Loved the pinot noir speech in Sideways. And the rest of the movie. The Casablanca of road trip movies.
Looks like the heavy rain today will take care of these not so clever posters.
10:39pm Jamie Foxx deserved the Best Actor for Ray.
Who goes to Wax Museums besides bored tourists anyway? Paul Giamatti was great as Miles in Sideways and especially the lead in John Adams, but he has picked some questionable roles, especially when he played the sleazy manager in Straight Outta Compton. God was the movie awful. His new role on Billions is bit over the top but he is great in it. That being said, these posters are a joke. Someone obviously can't even figure out how to use Microsoft Word to create a presentable flyer--and that photo of Giamatti makes him look like a total dweeb. The website says they also want a wax figure for Jackie Chan. Now I know it's a joke.
11:50- I don't think so, he did an impression of Ray Charles when he was on In living color plenty of times. Foxx also had the momentum of Ray's passing shortly before the movie's release.
And again, he won because Paul was not nominated.
Seconded. It also seems to reason that someone who was so committed to devoting every waking moment to activism for important causes would not have time to write out such an extensive critique of a...wax statue campaign?
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