Just a few red-tailed hawk photos from the last few days... first with Christo cooling off and wondering where the deep end is in a bird bath ... photos by EVG reader Cheyenne ...
...and here's Christo and Dora's summer of 2017 offspring, who has a variety of names (Fledgling #1, Ten, Manhattan, BioTen) photographed by Steven...

No word yet what the hawks have planned for July 4.
Christo, like a lot of EV residents, has a bathtub in his kitchen.
How old are Christo and Dora?
So beautiful--great shots. I always keep an eye out for them...
The bathtub in the kitchen reminds me of Michelle Pfieffer's apartment in Married To The Mob.
What's up with Flatbush? Is he still around?
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