Mayor de Blasio stopped by Tompkins Square Park today as part of a campaign stop ... where he was joined by Carlina Rivera, who is running for City Council in District 2...

The NYC primary election is Tuesday. The Lo-Down has a voter's guide on all the candidates running for City Council in districts 1 and 2 here. As for the mayoral race, The Villager endorsed Sal Albanese, who emerged as de Blasio’s most serious opponent.
Photos by Derek Berg
Blah blah blah
Carlina Rivera is a natural! Has my vote!
The housing candidate? http://pagesix.com/2017/09/03/council-candidate-carlina-rivera-in-the-poor-house/
Damn was the punk show on?!?! That would be spectacular timing. I'm supporting Rivera. deBlasio? He's either got it in the bag or he doesn't.
Mayor Bill wil be Mayor Bill. Carlina will be Rosie. And Rosie will be Carlina(I think) District Leader. As much as things change they... blahblahblah. And we still have no one to help us!
No way voting for De Blasio.
Thanks for the heads up, September 10, 2017 at 4:12 PM!
If Carlina Rivera-Rogers wins the council seat, she will be paid a $148,500 salary. Will she be forced to move out of her federally subsidized Section 8 housing reserved for the poor?
@Anon 7:01 - in the linked article, it says that she will move if elected.
Carlina yes, DeBlasio no way. I'm voting for Sal Albanese. Then the Republican in November.
I'm voting for Carlina on Tuesday. I hope people get out and vote. It is hard to get people to bother to vote in local elections.
Interesting the smears of Rivera have now started fast and furious, if a little late. Wonder if that's because a corporate Democrat is attempting to parachute in with outside money? Smears from the centrists? nah couldn't be ...
As for deBlasio it's entirely tone deaf that his rhetoric is so far to the left, he actually gave a (stoned?) interview calling for socialization of the housing stock, and his actions are generally slightly more union friendly than Bloomberg but still entirely in the big real estate camp. His school chancellor is operating as a bad cliche of what conservatives dislike about central planning liberals without any of the good qualities. If the weirdo Republican from Staten Island even keeps it close it will be because deBlasio truly wasn't ready for prime time. If he loses it will be a shall we say Clintonian choke.
Its hard to believe we have bozo the clown for mayor
he is so clueless I wonder wtf happened to allow him to remain in office
Here is what a friend of mine has to say.
He roomed with DeBozo in college.....
If De Blasio is re-elected he will be a lame duck and we will see the real urban terrorist Cop hater that he is.In his first term he was just warming up.
He is an unabashed Marxist and, since he's pretty certain he''ll win, his "inner socialist" is already out and about.
Read the New York magazine interview where he rails against private property and the need for government to control enterprise.
DeBlasio's only reason for living as NYC mayor is Trump is POTUS. If Clinton won, DeBlasio would be fighting for his political career life. He is a stooge for developers and landlords. He's also the least visible mayor starting with Koch as he has made the least amount of public appearances of all the mayors starting with Koch. He's a nothing who will continue to be nothing. He's a photo op mayor. Bloomberg Lite, like Bloomberg was Giuliani Lite.
Cmarrtyy nailed it.
Carlina = machine = establishment = status quo. If you think Rosie was a rock star then by all means vote for Rosie 2.0. But if you think Rosie was mediocre at best (remember her role in letting NYU do whatever they want) then you need to look at other candidates. Also, The Villager reported Carlina took $2000 from the company pushing the Tech hub. If you are against the tech hub you should factor that in as well. As for mayor, no brainer Sal Albanese who isn't taking a penny from big real estate and will pass the SBJSA
Rosie got too lazy over the years. Carlina's probably not perfect but, having looked at the other candidates, there's the out of state Democrat from David Axelrod - so if you like Rahm Emmanuel and out of state corporate money ... , a bunch of amateurs who are probably nice people and Silver, who isn't bad but has very little local activism experience besides schools.
All the trade unions are behind Carlina because we need someone who can get to work immediately and try to hold the line on deBlasios more developer friendly habits (which would be most of his habits). Carlina knows where the levers of power are already, the entrenched city government apparatchiks can't hide the keys for the first year. If you really think "Some Guy from the LES" is going to be given a bathroom key before New Year's Eve you haven't experienced much city politics.
And if you think anything is possible in this city currently besides the best possible side of the "status quo" anytime soon maybe make some puppets and march against nuclear power or something. Us tenants, public school students and non-tech-money long time residents need an effective advocate, not amateurs, empty slogans or protest votes.
Sal Albanese for mayor and Jorge Vasquez for District 2 City Council. Not sure how Rivera, who probably makes a nice salary doing whatever she does for Rosie, and her lawyer husband qualify for Section 8, but that don't pass my smell test. Am also pretty tired of the Margarita Lopez_Rosie Mendez-Carlina Rivera unquestioned line of succession. This is America, not North Korea.
De Blasio ins't for the people of NYC. He is a starfucker who wants to become more powerful, wealthy and famous. I think he has his own intentions through his role in office. Even though I am a bed wetting liberal, I won't be voting for him!
Only took him four years to visit. A wasted four years.
DiBlasio saved real New Yorkers billions of dollars through pushing back on rent increases and he is pushing back on Cuomo's draconian surveillance/congestion pricing.
I was all for DeBlasio the last time around, but he has really let the people down. I heard him on NPR one day on a call-in show and someone asked about rent protections for commercial businesses. He acted like he didn't know that much about the issue, then pivoted and said there were no good models anywhere in the country for this kind of protection succeeding. He disingenuously said if anyone could show him a model that worked he would look at it. This was the opposite of what he campaigned on, to protect local buisness and our neighborhoods from hypergentrifcation. Then he proceeded to advance Bloomberg's fill-in program, to build mostly luxury housing next to the housing projects, taking away park space and amenities like community centers and playgrounds.
I've come to conclude that no Mayor in New York can get elected witougt the full support of REBNY and the real estate leaches wh bleed the city dry for tax rebates and zoning changes and always cry poverty from their beachfront properties in the Hamptons. Now we are so deep in the hole it seems only a real estate crash can stop the bulldozers from finishing the job.
I'm votng for Carlina Rivera because she has done good work in the community and has strong connection to ordinary people and renters in affordable housing, somethng that DeBlasio lost touch with when he bought a home in Brooklyn and then rented it out and became a landlord, just like all of his best buddies.
Voting for Albanese, definitely. Would not vote for De Blah if he were the only person on the ballot.
As for replacing useless Rosie, it looks like we have a choice of other candidates: some grasping, some clueless, but all interested in POWER!
Any thoughts on Ronnie Cho? I think it's time to switch it up a bit?!
I'm voting Albanese and Vasquez-down with real estate slimes. By the way, if you want more nightlife vote for Carlina, I was there when she was on the CB 3 SLA Committee pushing through every liquor license.
Wouldn't it be hypocritical for DeBlasio to march in the Columbus Day Parade if he can't seem to answer a simple "Yes" or "No" answer regarding whether he is for or against removing the Christopher Columbus Statue in Columbus Circle (see following video)?:
"I was all for [fill in the blank] the last time around, but he has really let the people down" -- a wonderful summation of the story of the American voter's inexhaustible inability to learn.
Is it ILLEGAL for an SUV to be parked directly in front of an entrance to a polling station with LARGE CAMPAIGN POSTERS taped to the SUV?
If you think voting doesn't matter, then don't vote, and see how that works out for you. Also don't complain when things don't go your way, and don't blame everyone else for how they voted when you didn't even bother to vote yourself. For everyone else who isn't so cynical and jaded, get out there and VOTE!
Anyone catch this ugly tidbit over at the LoDown regarding CHARAS and that slimeball Gregg Singer?
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