Saturday, October 21, 2017

This afternoon on 9th Street and Avenue A

Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade crowd around 1:45 ... photo on Ninth Street by Steven.

Probably have some dog photos later. Updated: Photos here and here.


Anonymous said...

Oh boy. As much as I think dogs are cute in costume, I am not a fan of overcrowding in this area. I will stay home and wait till the chaos ensues. Hope everyone has fun.

Anonymous said...

Please spend some money in local businesses!

Anonymous said...

I'm a dedicated dog owner but this is rediculous. Monkey see Monkey DO!

cmarrtyy said...

It was a mess out there this early afternoon. That's the affect of social media. People... cells... selfies... oh and yeah... their dogs.

Anonymous said...

The event should be moved to Central Park. Amen.

Anonymous said...

Public health crisis. Please leave!

Gar said...

I feel claustrophobic just by looking at the photo...

Eden Bee said...

I think there was over 30,000 people there! It was like mardi gras with less boobies and more dogs.

Anonymous said...

Yeah they were, they were all over at Tompkins Square Bagels. Please leave and don't come back.

Anonymous said...

Santacon fir dog owners

Anonymous said...

The first zoo for the Lower East Side.

Anonymous said...

Remember when this was a fun neighborhood thing? Like Wigstock. It's over for this. To bad.

Jill W. said...

this photo looks unreal

Giovanni said...

Today’s event made Woodstock look like a nice inrimate family gathering. You could barely walk, the crowds were ridiculous and all you could see was a million humans in search of a selfie with a dog. I didn’t have claustrophobia before this event, but I do now. Never again.

Anonymous said...

What happened - when did this suddenly become so huge ?
Were these just neighborhood people ?

Anonymous said...

Stupidity gone wild ! Welcome to the New East Village !!!Dont cha Wanna Be There ? UGH

Anonymous said...

When I moved to Alphabet City in 2010, the Halloween Dog Parade was a small, intimate affair for our own, special community. Now, from what the photos illustrate, it seems like there were over one thousand people in attendance. That's insane. Perhaps they should move it to the East River Park? It would certainly offer a great deal of space. Like the other commenter from before, I also cannot deal with an overabundance of crowds. Its too much and nearly impossible to walk anywhere without having to feel like you can't breathe or move an inch. And the other photos of garbage stacked on top of each other is unreal and staggering. While this event brought a lot of joy and entertainment to others from around the city and to my fellow neighbors, and rightfully so, I am relieved I stayed in with my CAT.

Anonymous said...

And Next Santa Com Ho Ho Ho

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the work the organizers put into this event but it has to be moved to a more open area next year to accommodate the crowds. It was a cherished neighborhood event for years and so much fun, but now it is a crush of people. Look at the picture with this story. It is wall to wall people and stressed out dogs are stuck in that mob. It's not safe or healthy. It was also warm yesterday, and I didn't see anyone giving their dogs water. Move it to the East Side Park and create water stations and encourage people to give their dogs water. I feel bad for the pooches dragged in from all over the place. Anyone who really loves dogs can see it isn't fun for them in the form that the event has now taken.

Anonymous said...

Typical small fun neighborhood event ruined by popularity. This year there were so many people, I couldn't believe it. And the state they left the neighborhood in afterwards was unacceptable. Garbage piled everywhere for blocks in every direction.

Anonymous said...
