[Photo from January by by Bobby Williams]
There have been an increasing number of complaints in recent months about people letting their dogs run loose in areas of Tompkins Square Park ... areas outside the Dog Run.
Now, someone has called in the Parks Enforcement Patrol (PEP!).

PEP officers were in the Park yesterday talking to dog owners who had their pets off-leash... one of the officers told EVG Off-Leash Dog Correspondent Steven that PEP will be a more constant presence now in the Park... no word if they were handing out tickets or just issuing warnings...
All those selfish people who for some reason think that the signs don't apply to them or their dogs make it harder for those of us who are compliant. The "me first" mentality is killing our country.
They removed the signs.
Agreed with 9:56, I have a dog who's not great with other dogs and I always have to worry that an off-leash dog is going to run up to us. We don't go to the dog run and I am always responsible and careful, so it sucks that I have to be on edge when I see some entitled person with their dog loose and roaming around.
Many of the off-leash dog walkers are also not cleaning up after their dogs. I watch as the dogs run again of them and take a crap somewhere next to a fence or on a walkway. and the owner pretends he or she doesn't see it, and they leave the dog crap sitting there.
This is an even bigger problem in East River Park, where dogs sprint far ahead of the owners on the promenade and then do their business. Invariably the owner then strolls and doesn’t pick up the crap, which is often in the grass where people sit and children play.
They are obviously using off-leash walking as an excuse to not clean up after their dogs, and the problem is just getting worse as all these selfish wannabe suburbanites just can’t be bothered to follow the rules.
I assume this issue is focused on not cleaning up after dogs, right? If people have their dogs running in fenced in areas when no one else is in there and they clean up after them who are they hurting?
It is worth noting that particularly over the past 6 years - as Manhattan has become more expensive and more affluent people living here - that there has been an upsurge in dog poop on sidewalks, people letting dogs pee on sides of buildings (but not their buildings!) and in fenced tree-protector areas.
It is not just the East Village - evident on West Side, East Side, Chelsea, Tribeca etc.
So a correlation between affluence and gap in behavior/responsibility?
@ 10:49
The people who want to enjoy the lawn and not have to worry about sitting in crap. Do you shampoo the grass when Poochie is done making? There are enough problems with the human animals that treat the park like their private toilets. There's a dog run in the park. Use it. That's what it's there for.
There is no reason for a dog to be off-leash ANYWHERE but within a designated dog park.
So is the van for rounding up all the wayward puppies? Jesus Christ.
I'm waiting for someone to make a sign that says DOGS PLAY HERE - PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR CHILDREN.
For the record, I don't have a dog. I do, however, have kids. How about everyone just be considerate and responsible? Radical idea, I know.
@10:49 - take a look at the fenced in area closest to Ave A. It used to be a lawn with plants and flowers. All the dogs and their pee have killed it all - now it's just a huge muddy dump. Just because a dog may not be 'hurting' anyone, they do affect our environment.
Fair point, 11:21 - I hadn't thought about pee kills grass point, but you're right. I don't bring my dog in there, but I know others bring them in there for the reason mentioned about some dogs having issue with the dog park...
really, its peak dog, and they need to be banned. Or tax them out of existence.
The amount of litter and trash on Avenue A this morning from 14th Street to the park is appalling, but if you complain about this or that you just get told to go back to the suburbs. Can't win in this city. I feel that the majority of dog owners are responsible but it's the few bad apples who are the cause of the problem.
Look at the trash everywhere on the streets, in the "green"spaces.
People suck all around.
There's dog poop all over the sidewalk from dogs who are on leash and owners who do not clean up after their dogs. Responsible dog owners pick up after their dogs - unleashed or not. Tons of other parks in the city have "unleash hours" (see Central Park) - and they seem to be working fine for the biggest park in our city. I get that people are upset about unleashed dogs, but as a responsible dog owner I'm equally upset about the amount of garbage and trash in Tompkins Square park, left by PEOPLE not dogs.
I've seen many more people pee in the grass in Tompkins Square Park than dogs, when are we going to start policing the humans? Crusty season has already begun....
Please note we live in the "Me" and I'm "Special" syndrome society. Thanks to social media .
Be careful if you're walking around Astor Place. I just saw a small child disappear into a huge pile of Rhino droppings.
Pick up your dog's poop. Every time. Too many people do not. Praise Mayor Koch!
These are actual quotes from people I have asked to remove their dogs from these non-dog fenced in areas: " my dog doesn't like the dog run, it's okay my dog is really nice and gentle, the dog run is gross, you don't own this park shut up", etc
Leash laws exist for many reasons, they are not new and are necessary in a public space. I really hope the city start's fining these people, the money should go to repair the damaged park area's that have become fields of mud due to bad apple dog owners. No more excuses.
This is a city, not an open prairie. Leave the leash on and curb your dogs jerks.
Damn right there is a correlation between a gap of responsibility/behavior. It might be that affluenza thang. More likely the rich people moving here are just amoral assholes.
Although unrelated what about these cretins carrying their dogs in papooses. (I've seen a guy carrying a year-old german shepard in one.)
"I assume this issue is focused on not cleaning up after dogs, right? If people have their dogs running in fenced in areas when no one else is in there and they clean up after them who are they hurting?"
No it's not just about poop but keeping these fenced in green spaces green. When the grass is killed by people running their dogs once section of the part at a time will be mud fields when wet and dust bowls when it's been dry. Try sitting in the park when a gust of wind blow sand and dirt on you, not nice. There is zero reason to use these space, having a dog is your responsibility not the rest of society's. Tax payers and donations create the TSP dog run, I believe the first in the city. The rest of the park is for everyone to enjoy as a green oasis. If your dog "does not like the dog run" then that's your problem. I can't go around cutting down tress because I am allergic to their pollen.
Its not hard to pick up poop I do it every day. Since I got my dog I have noticed all the poop left behind seems to come from the biggest dogs. Giant heaps that you really can't ignore. It always happens outside the gates of the gardens too as if to say...no one lives here so who cares. The gardeners have even put up containers filled with bags to clean up the poop. Ohh it bugs me how lazy and careless these folks are...and they come from all backgrounds and income brackets. Laziness is not exclusive.
I like these people who carry on like dog ownership is some new turn-of-the-millenium fad. It's not, it's actually a very old practice. Our first US president George Washington was an avid dog owner, to give just one example.
Some of you might want to go to this tomorrow and raise a stink (no pun intended):
Some of you needs more dogs in your life.
Been here for decades, with a dog — well two dogs, one and then another. We ALWAYS pick up our poo, but we always see plastic bags full of poo on the street. What is the deal with the folks who pick it up, bag it, and then leave it on the street? THAT IS NOT THE SOLUTION!!! There are plenty of trash recepticles around. I'll never understand it. Oh, we HATE people who off-leash as our dog is shy and fearful of strange unattended dogs who rush her from behind. NOT COOL. Usually, when we located the owner, if we do, he or she is busy on a cell phone not paying attention. Please mind your dog for the sake of the rest of us.
No fair, the rats were there first!
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