[EVG file photo]
It appears new proprietors are preparing to take over the Great Jones Cafe, the 35-year-old restaurant near the Bowery that has not open since the untimely death of owner Jim Moffett on July 10.
EVG reader JS shared this item from Community Board 2's September meeting agenda (which is not yet online):
Applications to the New York State Liquor Authority (SLA) for Corporate Change Application to existing Restaurant Wine (RW), Tavern Wine (TW) or Full Liquor On-Premise (OP) Licenses: J.F. Jones, Inc., d/b/a Great Jones CafĂ©, 54 Great Jones St. 10012 (100% Corp Change) (OP – Restaurant)
That's not much to go on for the moment. A tipster has told us that the Cajun-themed Great Jones Cafe would be returning — in some form. The tipster's exact words: "They're trying to keep it the same."
Will update when more details are available about the applicants.
Previously on EV Grieve:
A request not to leave any more bread at the Great Jones Cafe
RIP Jim Moffett, owner of the Great Jones Cafe
1 comment:
Update ! Seems that a new restaurant/side walk cafe is replacing Great Jones Cafe.
From CB2 March 13 meeting agenda :
Apps. to the SLA for New License for Full Liquor On-Premise (OP):
Corp. to be formed by Gabriel Stulman, d/b/a TBD, 54 Great Jones St. 10012 (OP – Restaurant with sidewalk cafe)
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