Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Wednesday's parting shot

A preview of the 9/11 Memorial and Museum’s annual Tribute in Light. Thank you to Deb Kadetsky for sharing the photo.


john penley said...

Now we are being attacked by white, male Americans with heavy weapons instead of foreigners with hijacked airplanes.

Gojira said...

Please, folks, on 9-11 spend a few minutes to go buy some flowers and leave them in front of Engine 5 on 14th and 1st, or Engine 28 on 2nd St. between B and C, or whatever local firehouse you might be near. There's no downside to honoring the dedication and heroism these heroes displayed that day, or in memorializing their losses.

Unknown said...

I'm so lucky to have this view, for so many reasons! Thank you for sharing it. deb