As the morning goes on, we're getting a better idea of the extent of last night's break-ins around the East Village. Alphabet City Beer Co., 96 Avenue C between Sixth Street and Seventh Street, was among the victims...

Owner Zack Mack told me the following: "They emptied our registers, took a bunch of iPads, ransacked our office, stole a bunch of security cameras in boxes, a few bottles of beer, and milk and OJ."

[Photo by Stacie Joy]
They also took money being collected for charity...

[Photo by Stacie Joy]
They have security footage of the overnight burglary. It starts at 1:46 a.m. They left at 1:55. The police arrived at 1:56.
This clip shows the five people breaking and entering ... each dressed in sweats, masks, gloves and backpacks (there are seven people total in the group as the video shows later) ...
... and later when they empty the cash register...
This team was apparently behind numerous East Village break-ins last night.
I wonder if ANYTHING will be done about identifying & arresting these people?
I have ZERO faith in the NYPD and de Blasio at this point.
It doesn't feel like ANYONE swore to 'preserve and protect' anyone or anything in NYC. We are disintegrating into complete chaos - chaos that seems ABETTED by the NYPD. The city is circling the drain.
C&B cafe was also broken into
LA instituted a curfew, get with it de Blasio
Criminal gangs taking advantage of the protests. NYPD has enough surveillance to eyeball any license plates involved but that depends on them prioritizing. The cops seem to be standing down right now where the looting is concerned. Wonder what combination of lack of coordinated leadership or? led to a lack of police presence when it was obvious there would be more looting.
All shops in this neighborhood had metal grates back in the bad old days. As some other poster pointed out it was only a matter of time before the smash and grabs started given the lock down - excuse me - "pause".
Guessing when people in these threads complain about wanting the old days back this isn't what they mean. "Fear City" in a flavorless time is gonna suck.
You wanted everyone in a mask and you got it.
It's odd that the thieves took a full 8 minutes to commit their crime, walking around slowly inside the store, despite the fact that there is a police station just two blocks away. Curious why the police didn't get there to stop them when they literally could have walked to the scene of the crime while it was happening.
That's not exactly a police station 2 blocks away, but still...
This was not the only robbery last night. Vandalism and looting going on all night.
So the cops let the looters run wild for a few days, there are thirty eight thousand cops on the payroll it's not a manpower problem, and then everyone screams for a curfew. Are the cops institutionally so mad at deBlasio for reigning in violent tactics that they can't or won't handle cars full of semi-amateur criminals driving in from New Jersey and Brooklyn?
A curfew is a horrible idea. For how long? Until the Covid crisis passes. In September? In 2021? If NYPD has decided it can't protect the whole city when there are demonstrations going on then we have a much bigger problem than smashed shop windows.
2:41 - NYPD had about 100 simultaneous events going on - you talk as if they are magic.
Perps are now hanging out laughing at the video. Learning for the next round.
To “Anonymous at 2:03 pm” - that “police station two blocks away” on Ave C between 8th and 9th is a station house for Housing Authority police only - they won’t do anything about anything that doesn’t involve NYCHA. It was built to house the NYPD 9th Precinct during renovation of the precinct station on 5th between First and Second Avenues - but once those renovations were done, the Ave B house was turned over to the NYCHA cops...
Unfortunately, these crimes almost never get solved unless one or more of them are caught in the act. Once caught, they usually give up the others. These petty crimes are the worst for business owners.
3:42PM True, but on Saturday responded quickly to disperse the protesters that were moving along Ave. C > 14th street
The vandalism and looting is a shame but let's be strong. Doing the right thing still matters.
This makes me so sad. I love ABC Beer and have always been a customer, but even more so since the pandemic. These small businesses are what make our 'hood so great. I feel so bad for everything they've gone through.
I'm guessing they didn't have an alarm ? It's hard to blame NYPD for not responding with all that's going on. Certainly what happened to George Floyd and several others was wrong but I don't envy the cops on the streets having things thrown out them, people shouting a few feet away (without masks) and all the violence going on. Not all cops are bad.
1:51 PM - As someone who remembers the bad days of the 1980s & early 90s, I always found it odd that so many NYC stores today have no metal gates, and instead have giant glass walls. There's going to be a lot of broken glass in this city.
The "police station just two blocks away" is not a precinct, it's a service area/dorm. The cops there are often currently off-duty.
It was police brutality that got us here.
I saw them methodically hit 4 stores on 4th street. Slow and methodical. Precinct is one block away.
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