Monday, June 28, 2021

Doc Holliday's serves again on Avenue A

Doc Holliday's returned to service Friday on Avenue A at Ninth Street for the first time since March 2020. (There was a "private opening" during the day with the doors to the bar opening to everyone at 10 p.m.) 

Here's part of their reopening message on Instagram:
After the shutdown ... we waited, and waited and waited. No we weren't going to do "to-go" drinks, no to those hideous sidewalk build outs, no to being the mask police, no to keeping people 6 feet apart. No to risking our health and yours. But now, we say YES!
With this, the ownership group's EV bars are all back open ... joining Milano's, the Library and d.b.a. 


anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Now the patrons can scuttle between the bar and rays/village square/two hands corndogs... Now a full blown Coney island

Anonymous said...

There are no such obnoxious crowds in Coney Island

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Was getting nervous about this place being closed. As a long time resident of 9th street I am happy to see them back. They are super aware of their neighbors and community. Cheers!

Unknown said...

So happy about it!!!