Saturday, October 21, 2023

Saturday's opening shots

Workers were out early in Tompkins Square Park this morning erecting the stage for the Halloween Dog Parade. (Details here.) It is a rain or shine event, so it's on. 

Also, half (or so) of the Park lights remain off...
Also, for anyone working on a screenplay. Remember: The opening scene of a film script introduces the audience to the story's characters, setting and inciting incident... it was a dark and stormy morning...
Lastly, in case you didn't see the No Parking notices along Avenue B or on Seventh Street between A and B, the city likely towed your vehicle...


Anonymous said...

As I know them, DoT were hanging up those signs right after towing your car...

Anonymous said...

I see that Crossfire Sound is doing the sound for the stage this year. Unlike other years, we should be able to hear the dog costume contest judging much better. They did a great job on this year's Pride Parade events.

Anonymous said...

They did both stages last year too! They are the best and we highly recommend them