Monday, April 29, 2024

A Link5G tower for Avenue C

Updated 5/30: There's a petition to remove the tower here. 


The East Village now has another unsightly Link5G tower, this one on Avenue C between Eighth Street and Ninth Street. 

The EVG reader who shared this photo noted: "I'll never understand what force makes these exist."


The first 32-foot EV tower arrived in August 2022 on Second Avenue at First Street ... then another on Avenue A at 12th Street. One was in the works for outside 184 E. Seventh St. at Avenue B, though there has been opposition to this one.  

A quickie recap via amNY in 2022: 
The new structures are operated as a public-private partnership by consortium CityBridge, and are a revamp of the old 10-foot kiosks the firm set up under former Mayor Bill de Blasio starting in 2015 with free Wi-Fi, USB charging ports, a tablet, a 911 button, and calling capabilities. 
EVG readers nicknamed these things "Phal-link," "deBlasiooo," and "32feetOfGray," among others

There has been political opposition to the 5G towers... read more about the advocacy that Village Preservation is doing here.


Felton Davis said...

Photos from a walk around the neighborhood examining
wifi kiosks and Jumbo towers, in October of 2022, are found at:

On June 7, 2023, the NY City Council held a lengthy hearing on the danger from these towers, and Carolyn Maloney, our former Congressional representative, spoke out against them.
I will check the new tower soon.

Richard said...

How well does it work? If you live in that building right next to it can you use it instead of Spectrum?

Jess said...

So sick of shit like this being shoved down our throat, this doesn't happen anywhere else, the people don't want this trash.

Chris Flash said...

What better way to get rid of low rent paying tenants than to ZAP them out with radiation from those fucking monstrosities?

Scuba Diva said...

I'm about a half-block away from it and it doesn't show up on my list of Wi-Fi networks, so I'm guessing either it's not that strong a signal, or you have to login to it.