Monday, May 6, 2024

A look at Christo and Amelia's 2024 offspring in Tompkins Square Park

Photos by Steven 

Amelia and Christo, the resident red-tailed hawks of Tompkins Square Park, have welcomed three bouncy baby fuzzballs to the nest this spring. 

Steven took these photos over the past week...
As we've seen in previous summers, the hawklets grow so quickly... by mid-June, they'll be surprisingly huge and learning to fly, hunt, pose for photos, etc. 

Visit Goggla's site for the back story on our local hawks.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Steven for the wonderful photos - no lack of food for the babes here at TSP that is for sure. Nice to see the nest has some good sight lines for viewing. Keep the pictures coming!

Sarah said...

Good luck, little ones!!!

Bebe said...

Beautiful photos. The babies are so cute😍.

Eden Bee said...

marsha, jan and Cindy! Great pics!

Anonymous said...

so cute :)

Anonymous said...

More like Marshall, Will and Holly considering the scene below those birds have to take in.