Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Citi Bike dock swap along Avenue A

EVG reader Newman points out that Citi Bike crews have removed the docking station on Third Street at Avenue A ... and relocated it to Fifth Street at Avenue A...
The Third Street dock arrived in February, and a Citi Bike rep told us that it was permanent. Citi removed the docking station on Fifth Street last fall to accommodate the (recently completed) Con Ed transformer work. 

We reached out to Citi/Lyft to learn more about this As the Docking Stations Move. 


Bryce said...

Supposed there were a lot of 311 calls because people going to the church couldn't find parking.

It was a much better use of space to have 50 bikes there then to have 4 to 5 cars that how take up that space.

Anonymous said...

I disagree, with that comment. There is a massive glut of citibike stations, it’s a corporate venture and it’s ugly and out of control. If you can bike you can walk a few blocks to a station. This was temporary because it was moved from fifth while construction was happening. There are plenty of citibikes. The fact is that cars are a different tool and need someonehwere to go. I’m sure when you need a ride somewhere you appreciate it. I’d rather cars parked than double parked or circling to find a spot. Bikes and cars are both important, but massive rows of corporate citibikes on every friggin block is more than overkill and hurts transportation network, especially when these frat boys are flying toward me on my bike in the opposite direction on those electric ones which should’ve never been allowed.

Anonymous said...

I agree, ever since the station went in on Ave A between 13th and 14th, the one on 13th between A and B usually sits full

yetanothercommenter said...

@10:07 AM

Corporate? Whatever. Yeah I was here then as well but the tide came in.

Citibikes are massively popular and only barely meeting demand for bikes and parking during certain periods of the day. Losing four parking spaces to facilitate dozens of people a day getting around town is a worthy tradeoff.

What would be best would be to sacrifice parking spaces (... gasp ... sob ...) for pickup and delivery zones for the ride shares and streams of delivery trucks that double park all day.

Anonymous said...

Someone who speaks like this "sacrifice parking spaces (... gasp ... sob ..." is obnoxious and not realistic or understanding of the needs of others. You may never need to be in a car or go anywhere or use one, that's fine, but it's a different thing than a bike. The way you talk makes people not want to listen to you, it sounds like an activist and it's obnoxious. They already DID add those delivery zones or whatever and they sit empty 90 percent of the time, it's mostly a waste of space, they're poorly done. Hydrant space already worked for this.

Anonymous said...

Was so hopeful for 5th street to stay bike free