Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Fresh compost for Tompkins Square Park

Photos by Steven 

Tompkins Square Park received a fresh compost mound today via the LES Ecology Center...
The compost came from Governors Island, where Earth Matter runs a small farm. 

The LES Ecology Center has been without a permanent home since having to vacate East River Park in 2021 for the East Side Coastal Resiliency Project. 

This article from March at The City has updates on the uncertain future of NYC's composting program. Like many other critical city programs, composting faces severe threats due to city budget cuts

In a positive sign, during International Compost Awareness Week last week, the LES Ecology Center raised $27,000 to sustain their programs in the months ahead.


OlympiasEpiriot said...

These budget cuts are penny wise and pound foolish. One way or another, we pay.

About the topic of this post, eliminating the community composting increases the bulk waste disposal costs.

And does away with sources of good soil for our parks and community gardens.

Trixie said...

Look at how beautiful that stuff is!

David Crane (Creative Little Garden) said...

Hmm. I wonder if that compost is intended FOR Tompkins Square Park gardens only, or whether community gardeners may take a few wheelbarrow loads away. It is awfully tempting to do that, since we are rejuvenating a fern bed that really needs partially decomposed organic matter (exactly what is in those two mounds).

The two mounds of compost do overlap with the last of the mulched fir trees from January, which were intended for general public use.

Scuba Diva said...

@David: You might contact the Lower East Side Ecology Center (LESEC) to find out for yourself; their address is info@lesecologycenter.org