Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A plaque dedicated to a former longtime Parks employee is missing from Tompkins Square Park

Photos by Steven

Last week, someone stole the brass plaque dedicated to former Tompkins Square Park supervisor Harry Greenberg from along the Ninth Street pedestrian walkway...
Greenberg worked in Tompkins from 1987 to 2010. A plaque via the Board of Howl! Arts Inc. arrived here early in the summer of 2012... (photo of Harry from 2012 by Stacie Joy)...
The working theory among Park sleuths is that someone stole the plaque for the materials instead of being a random act of vandalism/mischief.

Howl! Arts co-founder Riki Colon tells us that the organization plans to replace it ASAP.

Last summer, someone destroyed the Tompkins Square Park holiday tree plaque after it was stolen in 2020. 

Away from Tompkins, the plaque commemorating the Fillmore East at 105 Second Ave. near Sixth Street is also currently MIA.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the tree that the plaque was commemorating in Harry’s honor died last year. Part of the problem when Tompkins lost its full time gardener

Anonymous said...

Was that the umbrella tree? That was such a pretty tree and a shame to see it dead. I hope it can be replaced.

noble neolani said...

Some people have so little to do that destroying this was the highlight of the day/night

Anonymous said...

Hopefully it won’t keep happening.

Maggie said...

National Register plaque on the Henry Street Settlement's Playhouse on Grand Street was also stolen.

Anonymous said...

Looking like someone's scrapping metal.