Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Court proceedings: Checking in on the new mural for Tompkins Square Park hoopsters

We've heard a few grumbles about the temporary closure of the Tompkins Square basketball courts as the summer gets underway. 

As noted, last Wednesday, workers fenced off the courts ahead of a mural installation titled "Gaze" by Na Chainkua Reindorf.
EVG reader Liz provided these next two photos ... and another perspective on the work that needs to be done before the mural can be painted.
"To all the naysayers, and I do understand their skepticism, the creation of the basketball court mural moves apace. I overlook the court, and I've watched the workers at it 9-5, Monday-Friday, a short break for lunch. In fact, I find watching them work very meditative. They've done a really careful and beautiful job of patching and resurfacing prior to the painting. I hope it can be admired in its glory before being tagged." 

This evening, workers were still there at 5:45...


yetanothercommenter said...

These are heavily used basketball courts. Unclear what the reasoning behind a mural is besides spending money of course.

Public school is letting out. It would be great to have the courts back before too long (by a non parks department definition of 'too long'). Sitting around literally watching paint dry may be meditative for some but there are very few basketball courts in the neighborhood compared to daily demand.

Anonymous said...

One of those annoying things the city does. It's prime time for basketball in the park, you shut it down for a mural on the court for what?

At least it's not as bad as how they kept painting murals on Doyers in Chinatown. Ruined the look of the historic street. Everything the city and DOT does now is like some plastic yuppie shit it drives me crazy. Reminds me of the new "parks" they build which are just metal and plastic and don't feel natural.

Anonymous said...

At Community Board 3 last night the Parks Dept said the courts will reopen end of next week