Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Reports of a passenger struck by a downtown 6 at Astor Place

Photos by Vinny & O 

There were a lot of questions about a significant emergency response this afternoon on Astor Place... (for a few people, seeing the multiple FDNY and NYPD personnel here sparked flashbacks to the random slashing near the Cube last Thursday)...
According to witnesses and social media accounts, a passenger was pinned between the subway platform and the downtown 6 around 3:30 p.m. John Stratidis, manager of the nearby Cozy Soup 'n' Burger, told @ScooterCasterNY that a man tripped and fell onto the tracks. 

Fellow straphangers tried to help the man, but witnesses said there wasn't enough time before the train entered the station. 

The Citizen app reported that "The victim has been removed from between the train and the platform and is being aided by medics." There's no word on the man's condition.


Anonymous said...

I hope this person is ok. There was also someone under the train here a few days ago. Take care everyone - stay as close to the wall as possible when waiting on the platform.

Catherine said...

I was there yesterday with my family and saw it happen. There was a delay on the 6, and they announced a 6 going express and skipping the Astor place stop. Right after that express 6 left, the man fell onto the tracks and then another guy nearby held out his hand. Very suddenly, another 6 train going express came unannounced and hit the man in front of everyone, he was pinned between platform and train and it was a terrible sight. He definitely died.

If you know this person, I want you to know someone was trying to help them in their last moments, everyone was concerned, people cared. If you are the man who held out your hand, thank you, that was a very kind thing to do and I hope you are doing OK today. I have been thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

I was there yesterday in the train that struck him and I was covering my face because I didn’t want to see him, but I accidentally saw him and I couldn’t help but cry for an hour and just seeing everyone crying as well is still stuck in my mind I could not go to sleep last night. I don’t know the condition of the man and I’ve been trying to look for any updates online but I can’t find anything. If anybody knows please reply. i’m praying for his family, and that guy who is holding his hand is a true warrior.

Anonymous said...

This is awful. We really need gates across the platforms.

Augusta said...

I don’t know this person, but I was standing right near him when he was swerving and fell into the tracks. I then saw other people trying to help him up, but he noticed his hat in the tracks and moved toward it. People were screaming to discourage him from going for his hat, and then I saw the 6 train was coming and ran over to wave the train to stop, but it was going too fast and hit him. I honestly could not look after that, but noticed he was pinned between the car and platform and also felt there was no way he could’ve survived this. It was extremely traumatizing and I haven’t stopped thinking about it. My heart goes out to this man and his family.

Anonymous said...

It was a woman holding his hand. She was wearing navy scrubs, she was taking his pulse, she is a medical worker. There was another man there standing with her. Hats off to the working medical community! They were there for us during Covid and they’re still with us on the streets and trains.

Anonymous said...

We appreciate your concern and unfortunately he passed away.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your post. He was my cousin and the family just found out last night. I am grateful people were there to be with him. We are in disbelief this has happened

Anonymous said...

I was also there when it happened on Tuesday at 3:21pm . Unfortunately I also have been looking for more information about him but unfortunately he did pass away. Stay safe and aware of your surroundings take care of your mental as well.

Crystal Beasley said...

Hi everyone the man you witnessed was the love of my life . I was out of town at my daughter’s high school graduation when I received the call that he had passed. Just imagine getting that call a day later. I had spoken to him that morning. Never to hear from him again. I want to thank all the people that tried to help him god bless you. I’m at a loss I’m lost without him. Wilfredo I’ll always love you. You will never be forgotten and will always hold that special place in my heart til the day I die. God have mercy on your soul

Unstoppable Angie said...

I was there and I saw the dramatic event - people were trying to help but there was not enough time - I have his eyes in my eyes since then... Everybody was trying to help. I was helped because I was so traumatized that I couldn't bring myself upstairs and a man helped me and then 2 girls never left my side until when I got medical attention. The paramedic told me they found a pulse .... but I see now he passed ..... I am so so sorry for him and my simpathy goes to his family

Anonymous said...

I was one of the girls with you that day. We have been thinking of you and this man since we got back home. I am so saddened to hear of his passing, we were praying he would make it through since they found a pulse that day. I pray for everyone who witnessed that and am sending my deepest thoughts to his family.

Anonymous said...

That was my heart and soul that died there that day. I was on an Amtrak coming back to NY from visiting NC where my youngest daughter graduated high school when I got the call. Thank you to the man who tried to help him god bless you and also to the medic that was with him until the end thank you. At least he wasn’t alone although it should have been me there. I’ll forever blame myself. I just have one question did he suffer? I’m lost without you baby!!! This isn’t goodbye it’s see ya later. Xoxo

Anonymous said...

My dear Cousin Wilfredo. God rest your soul. You will forever be in my heart.