Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sunday's parting shot

Photo by Derek Berg 

Along St. Mark's Place today...


Carol from East 5th Street said...

They're back. I never seen full metal punk like this during the week. Last weekend I saw a guy dressed like this coming out of a BMW with Connecticut license plates.

noble neolani said...

Costume parade, yay!

Carol from East 5th Street said...

Grammar correction. "have never seen". Sorry!


So original.

derek berg said...

Glad that so many EVers responded to my photo

Anonymous said...

enjoy yourselves, young people! great shot, derek berg!

Annie said...

Fantastic! Flashback on St. Marks.

Exterminator said...

notice that no one in the picture is
holding a cell phone or taking a
selfie? how refreshing.

Anonymous said...

Would make Gringo proud