Monday, June 24, 2024

Today in parallel parking

Residents along this block of Sixth Street between Avenue A and Avenue B were curious about this parking job.

EVG reader flojo shared these photos of a Mercedes C300, shown with the bottom of the driver's side door pinned against a tree guard.

Per flojo: "[The car] doesn't look like it can come out without pulling one or the other off. But plenty of room to pass on the passenger side and not quite on the sidewalk, so not a total fail."


Anonymous said...

I'd be calling the precinct to send a traffic agent over.

Anonymous said...

So they can have a good laugh?

Exterminator said...

the driver is lucky that he / she
parked before being asked to take
a breathalyzer test

Anonymous said...

You're a model citizen, thank you for your service!

djny10003 said...

I hope we get updates on this.

Xeo said...

honestly I'd be interested in seeing the other side of that car, cause it sure looks like it was shoved there due to the damage on that door and lack of scraping around it...

Anonymous said...

The car has to be stolen and then abandoned. No one would do this to their own car.

Anonymous said...

Justin Timberlake is in the hood.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I saw them park on Sunday night, I parked, unloaded a full car and children in three runs before they managed to get into a massive spot. Not drunk just inept

Anonymous said...

oh wow.. interesting I wonder how this happened. Horrible Parker who was like "oh well, I fucked up, might as well leave it like this and deal with it when I'm done doing what I gotta do"

Anonymous said...

@5:10 wow you're bored. So someone has to pay to fix their car and you want to call the precinct to give them more shit to deal with? This doesn't affect anyone.