Saturday, August 17, 2024

Tree down on 14th Street

The driver of a Penske box truck collided with a tree on the south side of 14th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B last night, according to witnesses. 

The collision occurred about 8:40 p.m. A witness alleged that the driver claimed to have only "bumped" the tree with the passenger side mirror. 

Helluva bump...
The driver left, the police were called... and someone captured the aftermath on the Citizen app...


Vehicle Crash Into Tree @CitizenApp

538 E 14th St Yesterday 8:46:42 PM EDT


Anonymous said...

Seriously wtf, man?!

Shoutout to Suds 'n' Buds aka Wash 'n' Clean on 14 though!

MTA614 said...

Now Penske can pay to replant the tree or if need be replace it. Shade and nature are important in our neighborhood, even if careless drivers don't think so... though perhaps we should feel lucky it wasn't a kid who got "bumped" by this very-sane-sized truck.

Anonymous said...

That is a shame hate to see a good tree get taken down like that.

Anonymous said...

Too much concrete in this city.

Anonymous said...

There is a Penske Amazon delivery truck parked all day every day on 14th between B and C. I wonder if it's them.

concerned citizen said...

The tree does look like it was having issues and that root structure is not in good shape.

Anonymous said...

Bummer but good opportunity to shape up that tree pit for a new one


I'm disappointed in Carlina Rivera for not posing with it for a photo.