Monday, October 25, 2010

East Village eatery etc.: Percy's opens tonight; Caffe Buon Gusto loses an awning

Percy's Tavern on Avenue A and 13th Street does open tonight...

Sintir quickly became the Olivia Bistro on Ninth Street between Avenue A and First Avenue....

An EV Grieve reader notes that someone removed the canopy from the never-opened Caffe Buon Gusto on Fifth Street and Avenue B...

The Village Pizza Restaurant and Pizza joint on First Avenue near Second Street is closed now for some reason.... DOB signs on the gate..

A "for rent" sign just went up at the former Layalay space on Avenue B....

And there were big lines at Katz's yesterday.....

When Ashley and friends tag the Deitch Wall

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Moon medley

Reminders: Halloween Freakfest this afternoon in Tompkins Square Park

Here are the details. What a day for it...

Assessing the damage at Otto's Shrunken Head

According to a reader, the damage at Otto's from this morning's fire isn't as bad as first feared. Still, the back room is a mess... Everyone seems to be saying the same thing: It could have been a lot worse.

Also, according to the reader, the residents who live in the building above Otto's were allowed back inside their homes just after 11 a.m....

Only a few police officers and fire personnel remain on the scene. 14th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B has been reopened to traffic.


Breaking: Early-morning fire at Otto's Shrunken Head

An employee arriving to work this morning just after 9 at Otto's Shrunken Head on 14th Street was met with thick black smoke coming from inside the bar.

According to witnesses, the employee grabbed a fire extinguisher and set about battling the source of the smoke himself. Firefighters quickly arrived on the scene and had things under control. No official word just yet on what started the fire. There were also no reports of injuries.

An alert super helped make sure residents who lived above the bar got out of the building. The residents also had the time to secure their pets.

More photos from this morning's fire at Otto's Shrunken Head

An EV Grieve reader passed along these photos taken right when firefighters arrived on the scene at Otto's Shrunken Head on 14th Street...


Fire under control

Halloween Dog Day Afternoon, of course

Many thanks to Stacie Joy for sharing these photos from yesterday's Halloween Dog Parade in Tompkins Square Park...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Seventh Street, 9:35 p.m., Oct. 23

Seventh Street, 9:34 p.m., Oct. 23

Tomorrow in Tompkins Square Park: Halloween Freakfest!

From the EV Grieve inbox...

What: HALLOWEEN FREAKFEST — 3rd annual free punk & variety show in Tompkins Square Park
When: Sunday

Costumes encouraged! Lots of fun surprises TBA!

Produced by Our Lady of Perpetual PMS (GLOB - Gorgeous Ladies of Bloodwrestling) and The SHADOW, NYC's underground newspaper since 1988

Freaky line up in order of appearance:

GREEN HELL (Misfits cover band that's been murdering all your favorite Misfits songs since 2004)
THE HAMBURGLARS (Greasy garage rock from Chicago! Obsessed w/burgers & dressed to thrill like The Hamburglar. Robble Robble!)
JENNIFER BLOWDRYER (LES author/performer)
THE AFTERBIRTH (NYC's Kings -sometimes Queens- of insane/full throttle/gore punk rock!)
NINA SPIERER (young art activist-poet recently featured in The Huffington Post)
THE NON-PROPHETS: (Acoustical side project from NYC punk/everything band Wombat In Combat
FISHERMAN (fresh from his summer residency @ the Coney Island Freak Bar, he plays the world's largest xylophone, but he also plays marimba, log drum, timbales & does birdcalls!)
BALLS N BLOAT (the twisted burlesque tribute to Hall and Oates!)
LONE VEIN (visually stunning in skeleton attire; Day-of-the-Dead aesthetic. An American Gothic, gloom-tune power duo)
KATRIN HIER: (Writer/Performance Artist)
JESSICA DELFINO (the LES's reigning Queen of the Obscene, publicly denounced by the U.S. Catholic League)
SKUM CITY (stellar NYC hardcore punk outfit decrying the demise of NYC, & putting what remains loud & in your face/ears/orifices, etc!

[Photos via Our Lady of Perpetual PMS]

Faces in the crowd

During the Tompkins Squark Park Halloween Dog Parade