From the Post today:
A city police captain was forced to retire last year after he fudged crime statistics to make his precinct look safer -- adding to widening concern over the accuracy of NYPD stats and the belief that top bosses pressure supervisors into cooking the books.
Capt. James Arniotes, a 23-year veteran, told The Post that he was busted for reclassifying 23 grand-larceny felonies as petit-larceny misdemeanors in early 2008.
The misconduct occurred while Arniotes, 48, was second in command at the Ninth Precinct in the East Village.
Grand larceny is one of seven major crimes, along with murder, rape, assault, robbery, burglary and grand larceny auto, that the NYPD and FBI track and publicize.
[Image via]
gaaasp! (mock shock)
The NYPD has been doing this all over the city for years, starting with the Giuliani regime, in order to make themselves and their mayors look good....
Great news!
So, are they going to reissue the 9th precinct stats?
This has been going on since the creation of comstat. Either the police officer takes the report and when he turns it in it mysteriously goes missing or the Sgt.s convinces victims not to make reports. Come on people, open your eyes, it's politics.
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