Attempts to unfasten the poster board were unsuccessful due to the large amount of Federal Reserve officers making the rounds.
Security has been tight there, of course, since the elder brother of Hans Gruber knocked off the joint in "Die Hard: With a Vengeance".

In any event! Yesterday afternoon, a Fed Graffiti Removal Team arrived to assess the scene and clean...
And what did the vandal write?
From our untrained eye, it appears to say: Audit Me.
that's what happens when you throw someone's brother off the nakatomi building...
before being laid off I worked across from the Fed. The security cameras are everywhere so its amazing the tagger pulled this off. The Fed even installed a security booth for a while, watching everyone who passed...but now it's gone along with the gold...
Do you really think you have a chance against us, Mr. Cowboy?
this is why i love this blog.
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