By now you've likely read about the possible UFO (balloons) sighting near, uh, over, Chelsea.
Here's one explanation, courtesy of The News of Today:
Where things get even weirder is that author Stanley A. Fulman, a retired NORAD Officer, who in his book Challenges of Change, claims he has been in contact with 43,000 “old souls,” who have told him that on October 13th, there will be aliens visiting the earth, hovering their UFO’s over several large cities for several minutes. Yesterday happened to be the 13th of October, and the Objects did hover for several minutes over at least one major City of the world, New York City. With 2012 approaching, could this be the end of the world as we know it, or is this a mere coincidence?
Will Bloomberg need to install UFO lanes too? Or will it not really matter?
Someone mentioned it could be ball lightening. Google it.
Those Select Bus machines starting flashing and beeping at about the same time. Weird.
I for one welcome our new alien overlords!
@bradley Ha!
@Pinhead The start of the M15 Select Bus Service and the appearance of the UFO CAN'T be a coincidence.
All the local airports were shut down yesterday for a short time because "of a smell" at the radar center. Just by coincidence. Drudge has carried a number of stories of ufo's shutting down airports in China recently.
those balloons were flapping
UFO lanes? LMFAO you got me rolling on that one Grieve! Hahahahaha
I am pretty sure they were spaceships full of cats from another planet. I mean, what else could they be?
@Cat Sitter
Yes — everything we need to know about this can be found in the movies:
I hear that an NYPD helicopter chased the thing down and gave it a ticket for hovering. Anything for revenue.
you guys are hysterical.
If they're doing alien abductions, I'm offering them Bloomberg.
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