In April, as Bob Arihood reported Joel Pakela, a.k.a., L.E.S Jewels, was arrested and charged for assault and resisting arrest. He was sentenced in early summer, and since then, has been staying in the Eric M. Taylor Center (EMTC) at Rikers. He was released yesterday... and as this photo by Bob from shows, he has returned to Tompkins Square Park ... where some people are curious about what kind of reception he receives.
It kind of bugs me that a criminal like this guy is routinely celebrated on the E.V. blogs. He is being made out to be a celebrity and even gets the courtesy of being referred to by his "stage name." It's giving him more attention that he doesn't need.
shut the fuck up you banker
This guy will either be dead or back in jail very soon. Lots of people want him taken out. His best bet would be to get the hell out of town!
He's a total scummer and is due for a severe beat down. He should go somewhere else, there are a number of people around who are just not going to tolerate his crap - he'd better not be throwing his fake punches around again...
at the risk of not seeming hip enough to be down with the crusties... yeah, my first thought was the same as anon #1. why are we making these intimidating criminals out to be some kind of celebrities? or is it a warning to watch your ass when walking down av a and in the sw corner of tsp? in this regard evg is becoming like the mainstream media, giving attention and celebrity to things best not celebrated.
Thanks for the comments. I hear what you're saying, though I don't think I'm heralding his return or treating him like a celebrity. This post is pretty straightforward, noting that he is now out of jail. I'd argue that this IS newsworthy. For better or worse, he's a well-known figure around Avenue A and Tompkins Square Park. (And if I simply called him by his real name, Joel Pakela, no one would probably know who I was talking about.)
There's also a backstory here involving some threats and what not... that are leaving some people curious about his future here...
It may be more worrisome if I start reporting on, say, what he had for dinner...
I'm guessing dinner was a couple 40's that he'll drain out in full view of God and everyone at the Pee Phone in a few hours.
Aren't guys like this what keeps the super rich out of the area? Who wants to live in a neighborhood with such riff-raff, if they don't have to. Get rid of all these such guys, and aren't we inviting increased gentrification? Careful what you ask for. I need a t-shirt - "a Bum in Every Vestibule keeps the E V for Us."
@Bowery Boy, do you think the "super rich" are victims of Jewels' petty crimes or is it the weak and small business owners in the neighborhood? If Jewels actually attacked a member of the "super rich" the cops would come down on him like a ton of bricks.
Kurt, you're missing the bigger picture. I could care less about this one guy. It's the reputation that a neighborhood gets from the nameless, faceless idea of people like this. That reputation keeps people from looking to buy in this neighborhood.
My worry is that if we clean up our neighborhood, and get rid of the freaks and flamers like Jewel and Penley, are we just inviting people with more $ than we have to buy the neighborhood out from under us?
A conundrum.
Kurt Your comment about LES Jewels makes me think you don't live where you say because anyone who is on Ave. A a lot knows that when Jewels is drunk he attacks everyone including the cops. I have seen him fight with homeless people, Yuppies, Cops, even Bob Arihoood and Biker Billy. Most of his targets are outside on the street and not inside. He gets away with a lot of stuff because the cops generally do not like to arrest him because he smells bad and they don't want to have to spend the time it takes to put him through Central Booking. His last crime was very serious and he will kill himself or someone else or someone will kill him sooner or later. He can be charming and is a really good poet and I hope he will stay sober and out of trouble but I doubt it. Your comment once again shows that you absolutely don't know what you are talking about.
Sure, I don't know what I'm talking about and you're clearly a liar. You always talk about watching out for others in the neighborhood but you and your friend let Jewels attack people all the time. And your offer to watch people's backs rings pretty hollow when your "friends" gets mugged in the park and not one of you raised a finger to help her.
That guy is really dangerous. The cops arrest him, but when he goes to court, he only gets so much time for an offense, and most of the time, he doesn't wind up doing any time. It is awful what he gets away with, but we're all too busy bickering over music in the park instead of talking about the real issue, which is safety.
Kurt you are pathetic and do not have the intelligence to read and make an intelligent comment. I did not know the person who got mugged and I was not in the park when it happened. I also did not know the woman who put that comment up about being harrassed in the park but I told he if she introduced myself to her I would put a stop to it. I have often gotten Jewels to calm down because he recognizes that I am old skool and in reality Biker Billy [who also respects me]Bob Arihood and many of us have tried to control Jewels but that is impossible and we are not the police. If you are such a concerned tough guy I suggest that you put your money where your big mouth is and you try it. I can't wait to see that because Jewels can fight and someone who won't even use their name on an EV post is not likely to give controlling Jewels a go. Also, I don't think Billy is going to like it when I tell him about this. I look forward to seeing you volunteer for Jewels control. Ha Ha. The ball is in your court now tough guy.
@John, 1)Kurt is my name.
2)Where did I claim to be a tough guy? I've made no such claim. You're the only one thumping his chest on these boards.
I'll place a bet that Jewels will be back in jail before the end of the year.
I was just walking down Ave A. and he asked me for some spare change. I don't give cash away frequently (just paying rent these days is hard), but I always try to be respectful to those that ask. So I looked at him and said "sorry, man. not today"
At that point he jumped up, got in my face and started screaming at me. "who the fuck are you talking to, this is my neighborhood, get the fuck out or I'll kick your ass"
How long until someone gives him the fight he's looking for and he ends up back at rikers?
I like that smell. I like people who piss in the street because there isn't another place to piss. The only place I can stand in the whole city is where people like Jewels are. So what? He is an outrageous annoying dirty asshole. Is that really so much worse than anyone else? Think about that before you answer. I am not in the street now. I am old, and tired and living far away from all that shit. But I lived that life long enough to respect it. It was fairly inevitable that he would have a suicide by curb. Would you really rather have Gucci and Lexus ? Something tells me that a lot of you would. Then the ugly side is hidden beneath something you will never have to be exposed to. For me? I take the street freaks. As I said , it is the only part of the city that is even sort of okay anymore. I am sorry one more is now gone. <3
My Name is Annie MF I am 63 years old and I don't know how to sign up right. I am going to try but if it comes up anonymous, you can still know who I am.
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