Wednesday, April 13, 2011

One other question about 35 Cooper Square

A few readers have brought this up about the empty lot adjacent to No. 35 at Sixth Street:

How do you build on a sinkhole?

The lot certainly does appear to, uh, sag a bit...

Perhaps this could be used as a new skateboard park for Cooper Union?

And how long will the couch/mattress stay in the lot? Swear that combo has been there for more than a year...

1 comment:

Bob Arihood said...

The "sink hole " is what happens often when the basement of a demolished building is filled in with rubble . sometimes there is some undermining due to a loss of fine materials through an openining in a near-by broken sewer .Usually the problem is just natural compaction and settling of the loose and inconsistant fill material .

No serious problem, just dig out the rubble , put in place proper footings and foundation walls and then backfill .