The Post reports today a 29-year-old man allegedly tried to take a pair of socks from the Rite Aid at East Fifth Street.
"When [the man] realized he’d been spotted, he started running, smashing into displays and sending toothpaste and bottles of mouthwash flying. But he was soon nabbed."
The NYPD reportedly charged the would-be thief with petit larceny, criminal possession of stolen property and criminal mischief.
No word of what impact this had on the always long wait at the checkout line.
[The online version of this story didn't contain a photo credit]
Seems about right to me. The gentleman who apprehended this person maybe should get a spotlight in the next "Out and About in the East Village" segment. Well done.
There are times when I hate that Rite-Aid for being kinda ghetto... but then, the alternative worries me more
I believe industry standard for shoplifting is one has to exit the store to be found guilty. He shouldn't have run and made an ass of himself and just put the stuff back.
Kinda ghetto? 1st Avenue? Sounds like a contradiction.
I love this Rite-Aid employee and everyone who steps in to stop shoplifters or those creeps who grab cell phones on the street and in the subways. You should try to interview this guy.
Geez. I do not get this story at all. Reactions from all involved (shoplifter, store, cops) seem a tad over the top. unless Unless we're talking about the World’s Most Expensive Socks.
Anon 9:31 - next time you need something, try the Rite-Aid - you'll understand!
Is E.V. grieve becoming the LES NY Post ? Yeah give the corporate security guard a medal cause he tackled a guy trying to steal a pair of sox ha ha !!!! F Rite Aid !
Hmm. Not sure what kind of socks we're talking about in this incident... Looked at Rite Ad's website, where the Futuro Support Men's Dress Socks, Large, Navy, Firm, Reinforced Toe/Heel go for $14.99 while the No Nonsense Slipper Socks, Shortie, Black, are just $3.99.
What amazes me about this image is that it shows the store actually has some products there - whenever I go in the shelves are always half empty. 24 hour supply chain mgmt to the teeth...
That guard has definitely played some linebacker in his day.
Knowing that Rite Aid, I'm surprised they had socks (or anything for that matter) in stock that someone could try to steal.
The one time I tried to get a prescription filled here, it took so long, that the product was now available over the counter.
After re-reading the linked-to article and the EV G post a number of times, I cannot find anything about "giving the corporate security guard a medal" anywhere, john penley. Weird!
Hey Penley - what EV wrote here is no different than what Arihood would have written. It's straight-ahead reporting of something that happened in our neighborhood. Are you now against transparency?
Is that Crispin Glover?™
And yet Lloyd Blankfein walks the streets today, a free man...
Slightly disproportionate response to the "crime", no?
If the guy was trying to steal something then there are consequences to that (or at least there should be). It wasn't the Crime of the Century but that's not the point. Anyway, at least for those who disagree, in whatever fashion, with the response to this guy's actions, are so easy-going that they wouldn't mind if they were ever impacted directly by such petty crimes.
Nope. Concealing merchandise, passing registers and heading toward the exit will do it. There's no rule that you have to exit the store.
Wasn't there some kind of rule, unwritten or otherwise, that said you should wait until the shoplifter, alleged or otherwise, is outside before confronting?
This Rite Aid is my go-to place for entertainment. Never fails.
they make a mean prilosec.
Believe me, when you work in retail and you continually see people come in and steal shit, it gets to you. Especially when you think about how you are working your ass off for shit pay and some idiot can walk in off the street and take whatever he wants.
It might also be that the worker had no idea if the guy had stolen anything besides socks; reality is, he was just doing his job.
I wish the bus drivers on the M-14 were a little more vigilant about all the people who slide on without paying while I subsidize their rides by always going through the front door and using my Metrocard; the other night seven - seven! - got onto one Ave. D bus while the driver idled with all doors wide open. You do the math.
People also sneak onto the bus for free when it stops near the PC Richard on 14th Street. It is so annoying to watch them jump on and not pay.
Grieve, if you are indeed the new 'LES NY Post' you have to work on your headlines. SOCK IT TO ME! would have been better.
this guy must really take his job seriously.
Socks and drugs and rock and roll!
Someone in Indiana, possibly working in cohoots with a local retail worker here, stole thousands of dollars from my bank account on Saturday (technically known as identity theft) and the 9th precinct told me straight up they would do absolutely nothing about it, not even send the report to Indiana police, but they would allow me to fill out paperwork and file it.
A couple years ago a man threatened me in a most disgusting and public way, and again, nothing but paperwork from the 9th. (The d.a. subsequently tracked him down and took appropriate action)
But steal some socks, and you are toast.
9:25pm, it is unlikely that this guy will be "toast". Maybe if he had an ounce of weed on him, but not for stealing.
I do not think, being knock to the ground for a pair of socks, is nice or fair.
This store is of no use - just another link in the chain of stores.
I bet you guys would not do this to the greedy bankers or landlords.
You let them destroy our LES.
I'd love to body block some GS guys. And I think most of the community (and country) would as well.
Anyway, since when is being tackled the end of the world? There haven't been any reports of serious injury. Should we feel bad this guy is embarrassed?
Yet, there's never enough check-out staff. I've lived here 18 years, and have never walked out of that store without having to wait in a long line for 10 minutes, waiting for the 1 or 2 cashiers they have on duty. The sock snatcher probably just got tired of waiting. I've thought about it a few times...
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