Here's part of the report via the Daily News about the stabbing that took place Friday evening:
The wild-eyed man in a King Tut shirt was behind an E. 13th St. building near Third Ave. when he started yelling at his first victim. But his attention was diverted when a 41-year-old man began recording the argument on his phone. Cops said the suspect pulled a knife and stabbed the witness in the midsection before running off.
The victim was treated and released at Bellevue.
Anyone with information that could help in the investigation is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). You may also submit tips online.
wow, this guy looks like a lame douchebag.
In a civilized state such as Texas, where people carry guns, he would have been staring down a gun barrel, so there might have been a different outcome. Not so in the People's Criminal Little Republic of NY.
Bill the libertarian anarchist
More and more thugs appearing in East Village these days I wonder what Bratton's Comcast is measuring?
Even that guy's King Tut t-shirt has a bad case of road rage. That should have been the first clue.
This is not the first time an someone with a camera phone became a victim of some hothead. If you are going to stick a camera in some angry guy's face instead of trying to calm things down you might just escalete the situation and become their target too, so watch out. Too many people just want a Youtube hit video with their name on it instead of trying to calm things down or calling the police.
It's not necessarily the desire for a YouTube hit video that motivates the recording; it might also be that the filmmaker thinks this might be useful evidence for the police.
Or maybe I'm giving too much credit.
- East Villager
Get that guy. Fuck that guy. & like Jeff Spicoli whoops Sean Penn would say 'BOOSH'
That little camera also comes with a handy built in phone. Maybe next time it would be wiser to use it to call the cops before you shove it in some maniacs face.
Isn't he on Homeland?
what does "behind an E. 13th St. building" mean? Was this in a courtyard area?
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