[EVG photo from February]
We've been watching the north side of Ninth Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue, where four of the buildings on this block (329-335) are receiving one-floor extensions.
A reader shared a photo from across the street showing how the work is progressing...

Local elected officials and preservationists spoke out against these additions... fearful of how the extra floor will change the character of the buildings.
The buildings were previously owned by Icon Realty, who sold them to Jared Kushner's Kushner Companies in the spring of 2013. The push, and subsequent approval, for the extra floor came about during Icon's ownership.
Previously on EV Grieve:
East 9th Street buildings will soon be taller thanks to the NYC Board of Standards and Appeals
East 9th Street buildings starting to grow taller
Countdown to the cave in.
would this new floor be the 6th or 7th? There is a point where people paying $4000 per month on rent do not want to schlep up 6 or 7 floors with groceries, laundry, etc...
If you pay 4K a month in rent you have everything delivered to you. I know, I live in Kushnerville and trip over Blue Apron boxes every night.
Pretty sure this shiz is starting to happen in my building too, I've woken up to drilling and pounding and other construction noise very fucking day this week.
yep Kushnerville aka devil Trump son in law. The small businesses on the ground floors are suffering too, so more might leave.
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