On Saturday, the FDNY allowed the folks at 76-year-old B&H Dairy to assess their sliver of a space at 127 Second Ave., several storefronts away from the three fallen buildings.
Workers were able to start cleaning the mess… Per part of a Facebook message yesterday: "The place look Good Tanky God."

They are looking forward to reopening soon … no word just yet on when the city will allow that to happen. A full vacate order remains on this building.
Meanwhile, other neighboring restaurants on the west side of Second Avenue between St. Mark's Place and East Seventh Street remained closed as of yesterday — Taqueria Diana, Ramen Misoya
Images via Facebook
Across Second Avenue, the Stage has been open. (Diner regular Helen Mirren got an order to go on Friday.) San Loco and Bar Virage remained closed. At 43 E. Seventh St., Jimmy's No. 43, Standings and Burp Castle were spared any major damage. However, all three spaces have yet been given the OK to reopen.
Updated 11:45 a.m.
Several readers mentioned that the Stage in not open today. And San Marzano at 117 Second Ave. is not open.
Moishe's Bake Shop and the New Yorkers Market are open...

I think it's appalling that businesses have started hanging smiley-faced signs on police barricades, advertising that they're open. Talk about lack of respect.
While we mourn the dead we must also take care of the living. Some residents have been told it may be up to a month before they are let back into their apartments. This is why everyone needs renters insurance, whether you home is destroyed or you are forced out for an emergency.
The disruption is much bigger than just the immedate area. The businesses just to the South of the site are almost inaccessible, including Moishe's bakery which reopened yesterday, Met supermarket, Hot Kitchen, Cafe Mocha, Via Della Pace, Van Leeuwin ice cream. Even the forme India Row on 6th St was empty this weekend, and Mitali is clsed for good but Gandhi and a few others were also closed.. With 2nd Ave and side streets shut down, some of these places didn't open at all.
Based on what happened after Sandy it doubtful either insurance or the city will cover all of the business losses. Unless you want more real estate vultures swooping in we need to support these businesses now..
Stop trolling and get back to taking selfies.
What about the newish Italian place located where Kiev used to be, on the southwest corner of 7th and 2nd? Are they open?
Anon 7.25am: These businesses have rent and employees to pay. We really need to support them now not to make this tragedy even greater for the area.
@8:50am: Don't know about Italian restaurant San Marzano (where Kiev used to be) and was wondering that myself - I walked down to the barricades at 9th St. last night around 9pm and that entire building looked dark. (So many buildings were totally dark - very distressing to see.)
In fact, one of the machines that was removing debris rotated several times so close to the wall of the former Kiev building that it was scary. (I'm sure the machine operator knows what they're doing, but from a block away it looked like it was awfully close to that facade.)
I live a few blocks away, and I am going to head over to the area today and spend some money at local businesses.
it is only a matter of time before we hear about Ben Shaouls plans for this corner
any word on San Marzano? they are in a tough spot there. I will try and stop by tonight. circle the wagons people!
It would be nice to organize some sort of block party to support the local businesses once all of this is cleaned up.
This smiley faces are innocent enough, although perhaps can be misinterpreted and thus probably would have been better left off. We should be grateful for those that survived, and the resilience of individuals who own, operate, and work in these places. At the same time that we mourn those less fortunate.
- East Villager
Hrynenko family, who founded and ran Kiev 7th street at 117 Second Ave until its closing, also owns that building and has offices directly around the corner on 7th--not clear if they also own that one.
It would be a very good thing if people organized a benefit to help both the families who lost their loved ones in this disaster.
I thought B and H was open. I did not realize the impact on other biz in the immediate area and those further away on 9th Street.
Thanks for the updates.
The smiley face on the supermarket sign was not meant in the way it's been taken. I was in the market shortly after it opened and I know everyone was devastated and truly concerned for everyone affected - about the present situation and what it means for the ongoing prospects for the neighborhood. I think the smiley face was only to signify that they are okay and to invite neighbors in (most of us nearby were being told the entire block was closed).
The Stage was closed today. I went for a late breakfast and saw Roman outside who told me that their gas service was shut off. No mention of duration.
Thanks to Grieve for continuing to post updates on community relief efforts.
San Marzano is not open. That building appears to be one with a vacate order--the sign on the door says no one is allowed inside because of "imminent peril." Most of the other businesses on that block seem to be open, though--Moishe's, the supermarket, Mighty Quinn's barbecue.
Moishes was on the news today and they said so far they only had 3 customers, people can't get there from above 8th street without going around to 3rd Avenue and back again.
yes, it's really hard to get to these businesses! we tried to go to moishe's and b&h and couldn't figure a way around. i won't have a chance during the week but will try again this weekend to spend some local dollars over there.
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