Last month we mentioned that a market called East Village Organic was opening at 124 First Ave. between East Seventh Street and St. Mark's Place ... at the time, there wasn't much available information, except for a Twitter account.
Now we have a few more details about the store... the owner is Ali, who has run Golden Food Market on the northeast corner of First Avenue and Seventh Street the past 35 years ... and Kim Turim, a herbalist who has operated Penny's Herb Company on East Seventh Street since the late 1970s. (You may also recognize Kim from when he worked the day shift at Ray's Candy Store.)

[Ali and Kim, photo via East Village Organic]
Among other items, East Village Organic will feature:
• Organic Grown Produce
• Full Juice Bar and Cold Press Juice
• Bulk Grain Seed Nuts
• Full Macrobiotic Section
• Roots, Barks, Flowers (Herbalist on Premises)
• Full Assortment of Pure Essential Oils
• Seaweeds
• Full Dairy Section
• Nut and Seed Butters
• Wholegrain Baked Goods
• Dried Fruits
They plan to open later this spring...
The was previously home to Kim's Video and Music until last Aug. 25.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Organic food store taking over the former Kim's Video and Music space on 1st Avenue
I will be first in line... Hope they stay open past 9pm. Commodities Market would get so much more of my $$ if they did.
penny's was great
good luck to these guys
Good Luck! Ali is a really nice guy. I don't live in the city anymore, but my church was in the neighborhood and I often stopped in. He always complemented me on my outfits.
Huh, never noticed that it's called "Golden Food Market." The prices on all the produce say SPECIAL, so we just call it "Special Store."
Don't know what to call the new venture, though. SuperSpecial?
It will be great to see Kim again, never even knew he was at Ray's, since I usually go there at night. Haven't seen him since his Penny's days.
If they don't jack up the prices in order to cover the rent, I'm there.
It's practically across the street from Commodities.
we hope to keep are prices fair{we know the market {we are on 1st ave between st marks n 7th st {NOT across from commodoties
great people doing great thingssss
yum yum yum can't wait to go.
I love it when a new biz opens and it fills a genuine neighborhood need...bodes well for longevity and seems like a win-win-win.
...cause somehow I feel bad when I go to Commodities. Like I'm not organic enough or something? That whole glowering health food store guilt trip thing.
Looking forward to this. I love Commodities, and they do have an excellent selection, but some items are lacking. Another option for healthy groceries is a fine addition to the neighborhood.
Agreed about hours: Hope the store stays open later.
- East Villager
Well, I'll be the grump who says I can't stand Commodities. The cashiers are surly and the store layout is beyond terrible. So I am looking forward to this new place; the owners seem like cheerful people. Also: There seems to be a dachshund involved. This bodes well. *arf*
If you're a UEV'er though I highly recommend Natural Green Market on 16th and 3rd. That place is the best.
Kim is a long time resident of our community committed to healthy lifestyle and products. And, he's a GREAT guy. I admire his spirit in launching this new venture, which is across the street from where Prana was.
Hopefully, the rent isn't too high and he can make a successful go of this....
Chris (we love how positive positive you are!!!!!
The shopping experience at Commodities SUCKS. The store is too small and most of the customers are high maintenance. They ask the dumbest questions at the register creating depression-era length lines. The 4th Street Food Coop is bigger, cleaner, and they have better prices. I'll give this new place a try.
im afraid to shop at Commodities ever since I was buried under an avalanche of Puffiin cereal. No need to stock so much cereal.
I've always liked Commodities. I imagine there will be enough unique items at both places for me to support each one.
I loved Prana and have wished it would return ever since it closed so it's really great to have East Village Organic coming soon right across the street. Am looking forward to the store opening - I'll be there when it does.
(ps: love you too, Commodities!)
We love commodities. It was one of the reasons we moved to our apartment on the next block 5 years ago. We are so happy that a local, not part of a chain store, can stock only good stuff, bring in fresh local produce in season. One commenter said the store is too small, that is not true. The store uses every inch of space it has to offer a huge variety of options ( same method asthe bodega on 2nd Av and 9th street). The other comment about opening hours is also annoying: a store that is open into the night deprives workers of adequate living conditions. This concept of 24 hours open is selfish . Look beyond the US boundaries and see that in the rest of the world stores are open from morning to evening and have a day off.
Oooh! Kim is involved...does this mean I'll get a big selection of liquorice again??
Will definitely support this store. Ali provided free generator use and allowed me to buy on credit during Sandy. Will always be grateful for his generosity. He a great part of this neighborhood.
Can we get an organic cold buffet bar like at LifeThyme market over on 6th Ave? It's the best and we need something like that in the East Village!
Couldn't agree more. Is it perfect? What is? They're always trying to maximize what they can cram in and ya love that or loathe I get it... feel that for any and all of the criticism I'll give a store that's been in the hood since '93 some props.
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