[Photo via @KeeganNYC]
The #NoNewNYPD citywide rally mades its way up Avenue A this evening around 9:30 ... among other things, the various groups involved were voicing their opposition to a plan to hire 1,000 police officers... read more about the campaign here
Hire 1000 new police officers for what? Murder is at an all time low. Crime is wayyyy down. So we obviously have enough cops if they really do indeed reduce crime.
1000 rookie cops x $30K a rookie cop = $30M which could be better spent elsewhere like THE SCHOOLS.
Or better yet, how 'bout the Yankees, Mets, Knicks, Nets, Rangers, Liberty, Red Bull, NYCFC, and one day Islanders pay for those rookie cops considering they get added protection as well as free rent to rake in their hundreds of millions of dollars every year? Seriously, what do these teams do for this city besides rake it in? Not one of them has donated to the families who lost their homes in the 121-125 Second Avenue torchjobs. Leeches all of them!!!
I think a fresh batch of cops is a good thing but WE need to join the police force. Young people of varying backgrounds. It is time to work on improving the police force from the inside out. That's the only way change will truly come.
Varying backgrounds? Youre aware that half the patrol officers are nonwhite? The issue isnt the 'diversity' its the training and culture. That is a much more difficult issue. Hiring nonwhite cops was the easy way to go and it disnt work. LA for example is 70% nonwhite and the LAPD is over 60% nonwhite. Now people get shots by cops who are black and Latino. Please explain 'change'. What exactly does that mean?
1000 new police officers is 50,000 years of new financial obligations for the taxpayers to cover. Where is that money going to come from? Taxes are already among the highest in the country. Cutting gas inspections?
Why would anyone expect the MLS team in New Jersey (the Red Bull) to pay for new NYPD?
I support this. Slap in the face of all the taxpayers. Just whip the current lot into shape. I see way too many cops hanging around aimlessly, out of shape, on their cell phones. It looks like just a paycheck and pension for many. No disrespect to the detectives, serious crime, and other hard working officers out there past and present.
Yet people in high crime areas are the first to complain that there aren't enough cops.
To the poster at 10:05, it isn't simply about hiring non-white officers to use your term. We need cops from different educational backgrounds, cops who are gay and lesbian, etc. We need a police force that is way more diverse in all areas, not simply skin color. When groups become more varied, that's when change occurs. Rather than get so angry, be part of the change. You offer value like anyone else! Believe in your worth and what you can accomplish!
Edit: Red Bull is exempt.
Of course this city doesn't need 1000 new cops... as a matter of fact, get rid of 15,000 because I would love to see this city tear itself apart [eyeroll]
We have too many already, how about some money for their anger management and behavioral issues?
It's time for public review and integration into
Tactics, policy and procedures of not only the police department but the court system, the justice department, the NSA , CIA, FBI all government federal and state agencies. The facts are in corruption is rampant it permeates each and every level of our system. Finding a way to remove the money motive is the only way to do anything. When a $200,000./yr salary with pension for a detective isn't enough and when you can buy judges for political favors then there is no justice. We may have moved ahead on the calender and in technology but fact is men are men and women are women just as years are corrupt as ever. One really must change the mindset of people if you seek to cause real substantive change. Fact is until you educate, until you change the way people fundamentally think you're Fucked!
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