On May 4, 2012, Adam Yauch, MCA of the Beastie Boys, died of cancer. He was 47.
On the anniversary of his death, @cramcept created a new mural on East Seventh Street just west of First Avenue ...
The mural replaces the one below that @cramcept created in May 2012...
This is on my block. I love it. Great job.
Much better.
You gotta FiGHT…!
What's the story on the art work just to the left of that mural???
Hello Cookie Puss?
I like this better also,
Same artist did the mural to the left of MCA
> Same artist did the mural to the left of MCA
Thanks for that info! I like it! That mural, that is. And, the info as to who did it.
These days in the East Village, you gotta fight for your right to party.
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