[EVG photo from March 12]
On Saturday, EVG regular Salim noted that workers removed the plentiful plywood surrounding the under-renovation storefront at the northwest corner of Avenue B and Fourth Street … to reveal the new tenant at 58 Avenue B …

It's another Manhattan location of Turntable Retro Bar & Restaurant, a sibling of the Flushing-based Mad For Chicken operation.
Here's a little on the Koreatown location of Turntable via New York magazine:
Presentation is key: Tables come with little metal buckets for chicken bones, mojitos and margaritas are garnished with appetizing fresh fruit, the traditional Korean soju (which you can get in a variety of fruity flavors) comes in a special ice-filled bowl, and is bedecked with flowers and umbrella-speared garnishes. But, best of all is the beer dispenser for Killians – it bubbles and gurgles with different colors and allegedly keeps your beer from getting warm and flat.
In short, this place is perfect for drunk people looking to lounge and eat Korean fried chicken.
Well, they do have pitchers of Jager bombs on the menu. (In case you were wondering, this item was on the November 2014 CB3/SLA docket, but it was not heard during the committee meeting for whatever reasons.)
The New Yorker recently had nice things to say about Turntable's fried chicken here.
The previous tenant at this address, Vella Market, lasted just six months here, closing in October 2013.
The 16-year-old vegetarian restaurant Kate's Joint closed here in April 2012.
ugh, yet another place I will never set foot in.
Old Village Proverb :
Trust NO establishment that has "gurgles" as a descriptive adjective.
Lovely. "Retro Bar and Restaurant", and yesterday on Delancey I passed the "Retro Grille". So I guess the master plan is to rip away all the old neighborhood places, then replace them with "retro" joints and expect us to flock to them because we are trying to recapture the feel of the vanished long-time establishments we remember and miss?
Fucking horrible. This will not last if they even get liquor license? Did they somehow get a liquor license? This jager bomb hellhole with their shitty, investor approved logo?
Ave B south of the park is getting to be a shit strip of bro bars and spring break all year round activities. As we lose more and more useful businesses (laundry, delis, shoe repair, hardware stores, etc...) these basic services which neighborhood depends on will never come back. Anyone looking into living around here will soon find out when they need to walk 3 avenues over to get a broom.
Clearly you all are not considering how delicious korean fried chicken is, and Mad For Chicken is one of the best. I am super excited for this, and have been anxiously awaiting a new kfc establishment in the EV since Mono+Mono burned down.
DISGUSTING. Metal buckets for bones? horrible, classless and revolting.
Korean style wings are the KFC for the new millenium, sure. But I am still feeling stung by that whole Unidentified Flying Chickens fiasco. Fool me once, shame on Korean fried chicken, fool me twice shame on me.
Also not for nothing this business seems intentionally bro-tastic, like they're trying to be a korean-flavored Buffalo Wild Wings or something. When I go out to eat I want to be treated like an adult, just saying.
All the big cry baby commenters on this post aside, it's just good to get some of the vacant storefronts filled. I liked Vela market and loved the owner Ruth, but unfortunately they were plagued with bad luck from the beginning, which included having two other delis at the same intersection.
Fucking PITCHERS of Jager bombs?
I'm a cranky, old EV resident who hates bro bars, however Korean fried chicken is delicious. (I've tried the K-Town location.)
This seems like two different worlds combining... douchey drinking bar and Korean fried chicken...
My brain is going to explode
Sure I'm crying--our neighborhood is becoming a bummer to live in, because of a pack of self-serving opportunists who only care about lining their pockets.
If my writing isn't sharp enough, feel free to call me a baby
I don't eat chicken too often but that fried chicken at Mono+Mono was amazing.
Go away quickly, unwelcome bro bait.
The great vegan place that used to be in this spot, Kate's, somehow had a liquor license, so I guess this doofus destination will, too?
Their façade design is ugly as sin. Their "concept" belongs where all bad restaurant concepts belong: carted off by Rose Demolition and dumped in a landfill, just like their all of their newly installed design/build fixtures will be when this clown show tanks in five, four, three, two... May they fail quickly and miserably, in the most spectacular way.
This space served our neighborhood as my Dad's pharmacy for over thirty years, before rent increases forced him out. A shame that the chain pharmacy's are all that our neighborhood has now....oh, and of course, beer and chicken wings.
Haters! Pls be discerning: this place looks awesome. The menu looks tasty (is that a permissible descriptor to use??), Korean fried chicken is SOOO good, and the prices are reasonable.
Some of you miserable, hate everything folks give the rest of us selective haters a bad name.
Sorry for the gross generalization but millennials sure seem to love whining about "haterz". If you like something, goddamn it this is America, go ahead and like it. Who cares if not everyone's on board. Enough with this sniveling insecurity. Man the fuck up, generation.
I would concur that we need a hardware store far more than we need another bar/restaurant. We've lost another bodega Super Deli on Ave B at 2nd due to yet another rent increase. My hope is that the commercial rent stabilization movement that is gaining traction the city government. There are landlords ( scarce few ) that share my opinion that choosing a tenant is like gardening. You need things that support one another. I just read a piece in the Low Down that worries that our city will be little more than " empty cash safe apartments in the sky with big box chain stores on the street level " While I don't begrudge any restauranteur their right to do their dream I think that the long term health of our neighborhoods is going to require some engagement from the City in terms of establishing tax breaks and codes that encourage and protect vital small service businesses.
There is a hardware store on avenue B and Houston, another one on Ridge street and there is one on Rivington, we don't need any more hardware stores either...I am happy that there is a new restaurant in the hood! Cheers!
So three hardware stores in a 2-mile radius are too many for you, Anon. 12:31, but 96 restaurants with liquor license within a 2-block radius aren't enough? Yeah, you're someone whose opinion needs to be taken seriously.
LOVE how so many haters have so much to say and hide behind anonymity. even better, so much judgment based on well, nothing. I think it opened a week ago and one peek in there would show you that it's pretty far from bro-tastic (seriously?), unlike some of the other bars down the street. looks like they have a beer/wine license and it was packed when I stopped in for dinner last night (Wednesday night). and for all you terrible people who wish ill-will on any sort of business? shame on you. I can't believe you would rather have empty storefronts in the neighborhood than good quality food. do everyone a favor and get over yourselves.
The pounding in my head is not going away.
The chicken is not the issue. It will succeed or fail on its own. The "pitchers of Jager bombs" is the issue. Woo! Nice deflect.
the neo-prohibitionists in this thread, my god. i am super excited for this place. just because people under the age of 40 may drink here doesn't mean it's a shit place. the k-town place is great, so is the flushing place. i don't get what you guys want - i agree with you that the sterile and chain shit is awful (14th is a wreck) - but do you want a closed storefront instead for crust punks to lounge in?
There's also a hardware store on Ave C and 8th St, and on 7th St and 1st Ave. and isn't there an Ace on 1st Ave and 3rd? So... 6 hardware stores in a 1-mi radius. But you're right, Gojira. You should open a mom and pop hardware store. If you're not a part of the solution you're part of the problem, right?
I'm just grateful it's not a TGI Friday's or Chipotle or Supercuts. Let's thank the owner of Turntable for snatching up the real estate before Urban Outfitters moved in.
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