[Photo Saturday on St. Mark's Place by Derek Berg]
Because several people asked... the Daily News reports that the NYPD made five arrests and handed out an even 100 summonses — ranging from open container violations to disorderly conduct to public urination — during SantaCon on Saturday.
As for the arrests, "cops charged one reveler with assault, one with weapon possession and three with drug possession."
Meanwhile! The SantaCon organizers issued a statement today... with a look toward 2016 [insert screaming emoji here]
Via Gothamist:
Santacon NYC 2015 was blessed with its best weather yet, a huge turnout and, per NYPD only a few minor disturbances during our event. Beginning in WIlliamsburg's McCarren Park and later transitioning to the East Village, the official route and venues all reported relatively orderly fun and a wealth of positive interactions. Again, Our organization worked in conjunction with the NYPD, Parks Department, city officials as well as several NYC area art collectives. The event has transitioned, becoming a more widely supported expression of the holiday season. A celebration, that invites all to join, if they want to share in the season’s festive spirit.
The Santacon Charity Drive again was a significant success with the participation of over 40 official venues and donations by a vast majority of the santas, elves, reindeer and the many other holiday characters. A full report is forthcoming but all proceeds will go to support City Harvest, Materials for the Arts, Dance Parade and the Ali Forney Center. For 2015, Santacon NYC was gratified by more “balanced” reporting. We understand the "Bad Santa" narrative makes for easy and often funny copy but we are glad that journalists also describe the exceedingly positive spirit and the many creative people who make such an effort every year.
For 2016, Santacon NYC has already reached out to the concerned elected officials inviting any who are truly interested in NYC's creative culture to get involved during the offseason and demonstrate their interest in assisting us...
Before saying goodbye totally to SantaCon 2015, EVG reader David shared this rooftop shot from Saturday... and he was curious what Santa is doing (or receiving) here...

Previously on EV Grieve:
SantaCon announces its path through the East Village for 2015
[Updating] Santa Clauses (and the Easter Bunny) came to town, as you probably noticed
Dance Party? Another Figment esque organization Costume Jim Glasers is associated with. Was the Red Cross too legit for them?
I saw several Santas using a neighboring roof of their frat building's roof as a bathroom. A girl pulled down her pants and mooned as as she took a piss. The cops eventually came and shut down these frat douchebag loud cornball Westminster renting fucks but it took a while. I doubt they gave any summonses.
Half of them looked like they were about to fall off the roof.
People who know me realize I would never participate in an event like this. But, judging from my vantage point (The Chase Branch on 10th Street) this was pretty mild-mannered and well-organized. So if that's your idea of fun, by all means go and enjoy it.
So odd that they never say how much this "charitable event" raises.
I really want to know why SantaCon is accountable to NO ONE, yet the event takes over large parts of the city once a year. Why?
This "press release" is all such a complete figment of Jim-boy's imagination, especially this ludicrous statement: "The event has transitioned, becoming a more widely supported expression of the holiday season. A celebration, that invites all to join, if they want to share in the season’s festive spirit."
Thanks for making me laugh, Jim-boy!
"Transitioned" - yeah, it's gone to the far side and it's not coming back.
"Widely supported" would only refer to the drunkards holding each other up.
This totally self-serving statement *should* have read: "We are trying our hardest to shove this event down everyone's collective craw and our PR people are making up some of the coolest shit I've ever read."
As for "invites all to join" to "share in the season's festive spirit" - yo, you're saying that drinkers, problem drinkers, alcoholics and alcoholics-in-training are really essential to Christmas. Uh, Jimmy, that was "Christmas Spirit" not "Christmas 80-proof spirits."
I'm sure of this: Mr. Figgy-brain has NO idea of what Christmas is all about. He'd do better if he left Christmas (and Christ and religion in general) out of it; if he must market this seasonal shitshow he's soooo proud of (what a life achievement, eh?) it should be called "The Winter Solstice Excessive Alcohol Consumption Con" - because THAT title, at least, would be truth in advertising!
The first photo is a new classic. There's something fast times at ridgemont high about it.
gotta say, those stockings are pretty cute.
if anybody other than a bunch of drunk frat boys and girls in costume (or NRA folks or Trumpettes) took over the streets the way santacons do they would be arrested immediately. try protesting ANYTHING (tenants' rights; black, white or green lives; affordable rents; better schools; anything) in the streets ala santacon and see what happens.
@8:12pm: I totally agree with you. I am convinced that somebody's being paid off handsomely, otherwise this craptastic "event" would be DOA as it deserves to be).
Anonymous, 8.55
Well thanks for your comment.
That is a good photo, Mr. Berg.
But these people have to look up the word "creative." Obviously, they don't quite understand what it means. Thinking Santa(the)Con is part of the city's creative culture just makes me want to puke...after drinking heavily all morning, in the neighborhoods these kids live in.
They're creative, more delusional, in their thinking that this event is creative.
I'll smoke what those two are smoking.
Looks like Santa was passed out drunk on the rooftop. They had to take his reins away from him and call an elf cab.
I'm pretty sure Santa won't be visiting any of the Santa Con posers other than to leave a bag of coal.
Santacon is the Times Square New Year's Eve of our time.
David Koren, the Executive Producer of Figment claims that his organization isn't "officially" connected to SantaCon. Not "officially" connected because the Figment "artists" and organizers who run SantaCon are running it unofficially, on their own time.
Well OK, DK. Maybe it's time to channel the anger in a new direction. Figment NYC gets public funds from the NEA, the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs (in partnership with the City Council) as well as by the Fund for Creative Communities, supported by the NY State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Cuomo and the NY State Legislature and administered by the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.
During the late part of the evening of Santa Con, as I walked home from work, I saw a man in his twenties squat and defecate near a car on 7th street in his santa costume and hat, while his buddy pissed in the street as he was yelling obscenities and smoked what smelled like weed. This is why I hate Santa Con. Utter disrespect for people like us who live in this neighborhood. Why couldn't they use the bathroom like most civilized humans? Its because most are drunk, entitled and don't give a shit (no pun intended) about anyone else. They just want to get wasted and have a good time. If younger people wish to be treated like adults, they should act like adults. Barbarians! Thank God we only have to deal with this insanity for one day of the year
John M 8.25
Thank you.
I was out for about two hours during the early nighttime, hoping to capture incriminating pictures, but I saw nothing but people behaving themselves and having a good time. I feel like I was incredibly misled by people here, as to what to expect. It's possible that some of what is being described above happened, but I'm starting to doubt it. At very least, if it's true, it was as isolated occurrence.
Yeah and there aren't any homeless people living on the streets. I don't see any.
@ 4:41
And the homeless people don't defecate on the streets or piss or vomit in places?
The point is that you're trying to paint a group of thousands of people with the brush that applies only to a few dozen. Frankly, you can find this kind of behavior on a Saturday night in any neighborhood of the city, if you look. Its just that more people are looking more closely during a Saturday afternoon.
If you don't want drunk idiots in your neighborhood, petition your community board to not allow any liquor licenses in the neighborhood. Problem solved. Otherwise, deal with it. No one is forcing you to stay in the EV all day to watch the drunk Santas
This blog, like many others is a joy crushing, soul killing rant meant to ruin everyone's good time. 100 citations were given because Santacon gave the police the route and there were cops stationed at every stop along the way. Which meant that Santacon "taxed" itself with fines. The arrests were likely for very minor issues. Ban every festival and sporting event ever to eliminate drinking.
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