An EVG reader shares the following...
Is the reason FedEx Ground is called FedEx Ground because this is a service that involves your packages being left standing on the GROUND on Houston Street?
We have noticed this ourselves... it appears that FedEx is using the former check cashing storefront in the Shoppes at Red Square between Avenue A and Avenue B as a storage space. That's all fine.
Except, as the EVG reader noted, there are piles of boxes on the sidewalk here on a daily basis — often without much adult supervision.

Back to the reader, who travels this route on a daily basis...
Surely this can’t be a good idea. Do things go missing? Do dogs pee on the boxes? One day we saw a set of three car wheels among the boxes.
We wondered what had happened to the fourth wheel. Stolen?
They used to do this across Houston where the sidewalks are narrower, so they would block off the sidewalk and force pedestrians to walk in the street. I never understood how they got away with it.
Have you seen the loads of boxes strewn about the street in front of 2A on 2nd St?
In midtown I see them take over parking spaces and erect a tent. I'd like the city to figure out some way to help the delivery companies so they don't have to get a ticket everytime they make a delivery. Maybe if Ubercars weren't sitting in all the available spaces waiting for a fare...
FedEx is losing it. They keep leaving packages in my building for people who don't live there. Then it's left up to the tenants to do something about it, and they don't, so packages sit there for months.
True fact- You can't ship UPS ground to Hawaii. You're welcome!
Seen it. Really wondered about it.
They never used to do this. I wondered what's changed. Why?
You should have seen the amount of boxes that were sitting unsupervised around Christmas time.
I've noticed too. They take up the whole sidewalk and act like animals. I could've easily taken a box. The morons also consistently buzz my neighbors to try to let them in. If they get in they leave my box in the hallway or even in front of the unlocked front door! I've complained but it does nothing. Lasership has been doing the same thing.
FedEx employees are also taking-up the sidewalks and the streets. They don't make way for other pedestrians on sidewalks and the vehicles on streets, even if they have the right of way. They just "jump" in front of a moving vehicle out of nowhere to make those deliveries because
it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.
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