[Photo by Derek Berg]
Workers yesterday packed up the Citi Bike docking station on Fourth Street and Second Avenue...

[Photo by DB]
...and took it off to parts unknown, though only temporarily...
Station Update: E 4th St & 2nd Ave has been removed for the next month due to construction.— Citi Bike (@CitiBikeNYC) July 11, 2016
Signs on the block point to a an expansion of the curb line, which Citi Bike officials optimistically believe/hope will last just a month...

And where will *these* displaced ads on wheels end up, on the sidewalk directly in front of Middle Collegiate Church?
St. John's cemetery can use a rack.
Look at that trough of sludge under where the bike stations were. Yuck. Someday a real rain's gonna wash all the CitScum off the streets.
Anonymous 5:19am -- I agree. They should clean these areas every six months or so. Another bicycle assembly place that needs to be cleaned is the NE corner of Second Avenue and E. 9th Street.
Get rid of CitiBikes. Plug ugly.
How about just giving folks the area to park their own bicycles rather than having to feed citibank $dollars.
Money is much better in the hands of the people rather than in the hands of the bank.
Stupid sheep put something out in front of them and just watch them follow along. It's going to be funny watching them walk themselves to the bottom of the ocean at someone else's desire.
If you are a resident of NYC and you use CitiBike you are a money-wasting schmuck.
Buy a used mountain bike for $100 or less and here's a thought if you "don't have enough space for a bike": make space. Install a wall rack.
I am one of those dirty schmuck's who uses Citibike and recommended it often to friends. I used to do the "buy a cheap $100 bike every couple of years and wait for it to get stolen", but switched to CItibike for the convenience. Like a hook up - we're not dating and I don't have to worry about it once the ride is over. There's another around the corner. Kinda like Grindr.
Yeah, I wish it wasn't sponsored by Citi, but hey it's not a profit making program, and if a bank wants to subsidize my annual fee by sticking their logo on it, so be it.
And lastly, aren't we supposed to encourage lessening our carbon footprint?
I am frankly baffled by people who would like to see rows after row of crappy ass cars parked on streets instead of bicycles, even with the Citi logo on it. I have zero affection for parked cars...like we want to live in a giant parking lot?
So a month has now passed. Where is the rack??
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